I stood there, just staring at the house until Anne started yelling at me to head inside. I grabbed my bag and headed into the magnificent new home I was just invited into. Today was basically the best day of my life.

"Wow." I breath, looking around the entrance.

"Who's gonna show her around?" Anne asked, facing the six young adults that were on the other side of me.

"I will." Harry volunteered and Anne smiled.

"Good boy, take her to her room and show her the house. You five, help me make lunch. Well, four, Niall you're not touching the food until you can eat it." Anne said, directing everyone around. I pulled my suitcase along behind me as Harry guided me up the stairs.

"This is your room, I seriously hope you like it." He said before pushing open the door. I step inside and gasp, it was so pretty. It was a black and white color scheme with turquoise as an accent color. There were white pillows with black monogrammed c's on them, a turquoise chandelier, and the bedding was black with ruffles. I had a white desk and the walls were all painted one. I walked over to one to read a sticky not taped to it. It read 'this one wall is your art wall. You can draw whatever you want on it. Enjoy xx ~Anne' I screamed and jumped up and down with excitement.

"Thank you!" I yell down to Anne, and I hear her chuckle in response.

"You know there's more, right?" Harry asked amused. I have him a questioning look before he pointed to the desk. I ran over to see a MacBook laptop and and iPhone 5 sitting on the desk. A note was taped to the phone, saying 'thought you might need these, seeing as we don't have a home computer and you're gonna need a way to stay in intact with us. All of our numbers are already in there. Lots of love, Anne'

"Oh my gooses." I say, sitting down on my bed, my head feeling light.

"Are you alright?" Harry asked, his husky voice laced with concern.

"Yeah, yeah, just a little overwhelmed. That's all." I say, taking deep breaths. Did anyone ever tell them about a condition I developed since my mum died?

"Well, lunch should be ready soon." He told me. I nodded, tears spring to my eyes.

"Don't leave yet." I slur, speech becoming hard.

"Oh gosh, Cay, are you alright?!" He asks, alarm in his voice as he turns and sees me grasping my chest and the tears rolling down.

"Get..... Anne...." I choke out. He runs downstairs screaming for Anne. My eyelids feel heavy, my left side feels stiff, I can't breath. I think to myself that this is it. I'm dying. I collapse and I hear the door fly open. Before I slip into darkness, I can hear Anne yell clear and feel a defibrillator shock me.


I open my eyes to light. It's blinding. I immediately think off the famed white light. I saw my mum walking towards me and I realized something. I'm dead.

"Cay, how are you?" My mum asks, a warm smile on her face as she wraps me in a hug.

"Mum, I have a very serious question to ask you." I tell her, tears stain the white cloak she was draped in.

"What is it my little CayBear?" She asks, and I can hear the smile in her voice. It's so comforting to be held by my mum again, to talk to her, I remember her scent. Peppermint. Her beautiful dark brown hair that I didn't inherit. Her steel grey eyes, just like mine. Her splattering of freckles on her cheeks and nose. The small little dimple on the right side of her smile. I know I shouldn't be so happy about being right here, but you know I'm torn.

"Mum, am I dead?" I ask her. She pulls away and with a gentle smile, she shakes her head no.

"Darling, it's not your time!" She explains. Her tinkling laugh fills the room. Another thing I loved that I didn't get.

"Then why am I here?" I question. She can definitely see the confusion on my face. She suddenly goes serious, her Wes telling me she means business.

"Cayleigh, you are connected to so many people. You are here to receive my words of wisdom, and a warning. Cayleigh, you can not surrender to Leukemia. There will be so many people devastated. Do you want to know the effects of your young death?" My mum asks me. Even though it terrifies me, I nod my head.

"Yes mum. Please show me." I tell he. She grabs my hand and pulls me over to a pool.

"Let's start with Anne. You were always her favorite patient. Having you around did amazing things for her. But this is what would happen to her if you gave up." My mum said, waving her hand across the pool. A scene flickered and I gasped as I saw it. Anne was on the streets, a beer bottle in hand, a needle laying beside her. She started weeping. She was homeless, addicted to drugs and alcohol, and broken. Gemma came walking up, we eyes holding no sparkle.

"Mum, here, you need to go here." She told Anne, handing her a brochure. Anne crumpled it up and threw it across the alley.

"Gemma, go live your life. Mine has no purpose. The one patient I couldn't bear to loose, I lost. I'm hopeless. I don't deserve to live." Anne said. I gasped and watched as Gemma ran off, tears streaming down her face.

"Next, Lena." My mum said, waving her hand across the pool. Lena showed up, sitting in her room, no lights on. She just sat there, staring out the window. Her mum came into the room.

"Lena, you need to move on. It's what Cay would have wanted." Her mum told her.

"You don't understand!! Cay was the only reason I kept going on!! No one got me, everyone bullied me!! And I lost Cay, jus like I lost my sister! Mum, I can't afford to love someone again. They'll just die of cancer." Lena said, bitterness and sadness intertwined in her voice. Her mum set a plate of foo on the table and left. Lena cried her eyes out, and I felt tears dripping down my face.

"And finally, One Direction." My mum said, waving her hand over the pool. The scene that came up was terrible. They were on stage, like usual, but none of their voices had the energy they used to. They were missing notes, tears were running down their faces the entire time. The biggest difference? Harry wasn't there.

"Mum, what happened?" I asked, turning to her.

"Harry committed suicide. He couldn't bear life without you, he loved you with all his heart. He tried to go on, but they sang Moments one more time at a concert and afterwards, they found Harry in his dressing room, dead. The boys couldn't take the pain. This was two weeks after Harry's death, their last concert ever. A tribute to Harry." Mum explains as the image fades away.

"I can't believe I would cause all this." I said sadly, tears streaming down my face.

"Well, you would. Cay, here is my warning. You will have a relapse. You will want to give up. You can't. And if your time comes earlier than I see in the future, make sure you tell them your wishes, that they don't end up like that, alright?" Mum asked. I nodded my head and wiped my tears away.

"I'll keep this from happening." I say with determination.

"Good girl. Now, it's time for you to go back to them. They're your new family. Love them. Never let them go. And never, ever give up." My mum says, pulling me into one last hug.

"I won't mum, I won't." I sniffle, hugging her tight. She breaks the hug and steps back. She waves and starts to disappear. I wave back fiercely, knowing I won't see her for a while. I close my eyes an am pulled back into the world where my new family is.


So, yay!! I updated!!! You guys didn't meet the comment goal... Oh well! I hope you liked this chapter. Idk if I did. Comment your opinion! Also, I know this is like, SUPER early to ask, but I need you guys to think about it. Are you going to want a sequel when the time comes?? Because this will help me determine the ending. So yeah. Goals:

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Can you do it? I bet you can. Go, go, go!! Love ya loads!


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