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Cay's POV

"You're them, you're here, oh my goodness." I say, freaking out. Then I felt the tears run. I simply sit down and cry my eyes out. They know I'm bald. They know I'm seriously ugly. But they probably don't know I'm sick.

"Hey, hey, it's alright don't cry." I heard Harry say and I felt someone rubbing my back. This only made me cry harder.

"Lena, do something!" I heard Louis's voice say. I looked up with a sniffle and confusion clear on my face.

"H-how d-do y-you kn-know her n-name?" I ask, my voice quivering.

"You mean you haven't figured it out Cay?" Zayn asked me, looking amused. That's when it all clicked. Gemma is Gemma Styles. Anne is Harry's mum. Her family, Harry is a very talented singer.

"Oh my goodness, I'm an idiot!" I yell before crying even harder. How had I not figured it out sooner?

"What do we do?" I heard someone whisper. Suddenly, I was wrapped up in a hug. I turned and hugged the person tight, sobbing into his shoulder. He was stroking my hair and whispering soothing words in my ear. I heard an Irish accent in the voice, so I figured it was Niall. My sobs started to subside and I let go of Niall. I sighed and then came the hiccups. I sat against the wall and hiccuped and hiccuped. I probably sat there for about five minutes just hiccuping. When I hadn't let another hiccup out for about a minute, I guess they were over.

"Are you done?" Louis asked me and I nodded.

"So, you're Cay, right?" Zayn asked me and I nodded.

"What was that back there?" Liam asked, sitting down in front of me.

"Well, if you don't already know, I have Leukemia. My last treatment was yesterday, and they said after that I could be discharged. I'm going to be discharged today. We were going shopping because Gemma invited us. This is a wig made out of my old hair because I voluntarily shaved it to be made into a wig. I pinned my beanie to my wig last night. Then, those jerks decided to try to take it. They didn't know about the wig. They started laughing at me. It always happens." I say, drifting off at the end. I was looking at my lap, and a single tear landed on my hand.

"Hey, it's gonna be alright. Will you look at us?" I heard Harry say. I sighed and looked up to see them all in a semi circle around me, including Lena and Gemma.

"Cay, don't listen to those jerks, alright? You're beautiful." Lena said and I gave a half hearted smile.

"Thanks, but don't lie to me. Girls with cancer aren't beautiful. We are sick and ugly and you are just pitying us." I say, earning a slap from Lena. I glare at her, then look to see the five famous lads giving me creepy smiles.

"You're insecure! Don't know what for! You're turning was when you walk through the door! Don't need make up! To cover up! Being the way that you are is enough!" Liam sang really loudly.

"Everyone else in the room can see it, everyone else but you!" Harry sang out. I laughed at them.

"Baby you light up my world like nobody else! The way that you flip your hair gets me overwhelmed! But when you smile at the ground it ain't hard to tell! You don't know-o-ow! You don't know you're beautiful! If only you saw what I can see you'd understand why I want you so desperately! Right now looking at you and I can't believe you don't know-o-ow! You don't know you're beautiful-o-ow! That's what makes you beautiful!" They all sang out, making me smile.

"Listen to them. They may be dorks, but they've got good messages in their songs." Gemma told me.

"Oh don't worry, I know." I say then slap my hand over my mouth.

"Aww, are you a Directioner?" Louis teased. I glared at him but felt my cheeks heat up.

"You weren't supposed to figure that out." I saw looking at my hands.

"Nah, it's fine. We love our fans." Niall said, looking kinda far away.

"Whatever I'm not gonna fangirl." I say, curling up in a ball. I'm meeting my idols, and I can't stop pitying myself. Wait, they're pitying me too. That's why their still here. That's when I snapped.

"So Cay-" Harry started.

"Stop right there. If you're just going to pity me then leave. I don't want your pity, I don't want your sympathy. I know the only reason you stuck around was because you pitied me. Anne must have told you guys that I liked you guys and set up this little thing, but you probably didn't know I was going to be ugly. And if it wasn't Anne it was probably Gemma. So i don't need this crap. I don't need your sympathy. Just leave me alone." I yell. I stand up and run off, considering there were tears streaming down my face. Ugh, why must everything remind me of them?


Harry's POV

We all sat there, stunned. Well, everyone but Lena.

"Look what you did!" she yelled before taking off after Cay. We weren't pitying her. No, I wanted to actually get to know her, as did the rest of the boys.

"What happened?" I ask.

"The poor girl thinks we pity her. She thinks that's why we stuck around. But I really wanted to get to know her." Niall pouted.

"Lets give her time to cool off." I say and all the boys oblige.

"I just hope she doesn't get into any trouble." Liam said.

"Please, how much trouble can she get into?" I ask with a slight laugh. Little did I know I was soon going to regret those words.


Hehehe, I updated!!! I really like this chappie, even though its really sad. What do you think? Did you feel like they were pitying her? Any guesses on the trouble she's gonna get into? And who do you ship? Anyone yet? Can you guess who this fanfic is specifically about? Niall? Louis? Liam? Harry? Zayn? Guesses? Till next time!



Ps. I'm gonna be waiting till 100 reads on the entire book, 5 votes, and 10 comments until the next update! So tell your fiends about this book!

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