"Come on Cay, last treatment. You can do this." My nurse, Anne told me. I nodded my head and gritted my teeth, trying to prepare for the burning sensation that would soon take over my blood and the nausea. The nausea was the worst. I lost my breakfast every time I had a treatment. I was unnaturally skinny, but I loved food. My skin was papery, white and delicate. The only time I wore my wig was at public places. It was terrible when people would accidentally take if off. I guess this is what I have to pay to get better.

"Bucket." I said, reaching out for the bucket Anne was handing me. The terrible burning sensation was all over me and I dumped the contents of my stomach into the bucket. Tears were streaming down my face, I hated the burning sensation of bile against my throat. Anne was rubbing my back, saying soothing words the entire time. About two hours later (idk how long an actual chemo appointment takes...) I staggered up to my room, groaning as I laid down on my bed. Anne came in and tucked the sheets around me.

"Get some rest." She said, lightly kissing my forehead. A small sigh escaped my lips and I looked up at her.

"Anne, can you tell me about your family?" I ask, closing my eyes and snuggling further under the blankets. I heard her sigh and sit down.

"Well, I have two children, Harry and Gemma. Harry is an amazingly talented singer and Gemma is sweet and kind and hyper. I divorced Harry and Gemma's biological dad and have recently remarried. I wish you could meet Harry and his four best mates. They have heard quite a bit about you by the way." At the last sentence, I felt my cheeks heat up. I opened one eye and looked at her.

"Anne, thank you for being so nice and caring. You're basically another mother to me." I told her and saw the smile play akin her lips.

"Why thank you Cay. I really hope that you never have to come back here. I hope you're cured, forever and always." She told me, taking my tiny, thin hand in hers. Her had was warm as mine was always freezing cold.

"Will you put on The Parting Glass?" I ask, referring to the song my family used to sing at each gathering, that is, before we broke almost all ties with our family. Anne smiled and turned on the song. I sighed and closed my eyes again, letting the merry song wash over me.

Of all the money that e'er I spent

I've spent it in good company

And all the harm that ever I did

Alas it was to none but me

And all I've done for want of wit

To memory now I can't recall

So fill to me the parting glass

Good night and joy be with you all

Oh, all the comrades that e'er I had

They're sorry for my going away

And all the sweethearts that e'er I had

They'd wish me one more day to stay

But since it falls unto my lot

That I should rise and you should not

I'll gently rise and softly call

Good night and joy be with you all

If I had money enough to spend

And leisure to sit awhile

There is a fair maid in the town

That sorely has my heart beguiled

Her rosy cheeks and ruby lips

I own she has my heart enthralled

So fill to me the parting glass

Good night and joy be with you all!

The song washed over me, making me smile contently. My dad was Irish, and I always loved listening to the songs. My mum had been the reason we moved to Cheshire. But I'd rather not talk about that.

"Why do you like listening to those silly drinking songs?" Anne said, shaking her head with a small smile.

"Because we used to sing them all the time!" I say, sitting up in my bed and looking over at her. She laughed at me and I realize she was laughing at my accent. It was kinda weird, but whenever I got excited about something from the first eight years of my life- which were spent in Ireland- my accent would change to an Irish one. Anne always laughed at me for it. I couldn't help that my voice changed! Could I?

"He and you would be perfect together." Anne said quietly. I'm pretty sure she didn't mean for me to hear that, so I just stayed quiet, wondering who "he" was. I heard the door open and crack one eye open to see Ariel walk in, looking dejected.

"Hey girl, what's wrong?" I ask, pushing myself up to a sitting position.

"The usual." She sighed while falling down onto her bed. She had so many disorders, I couldn't name them all.

"I'm sorry chicka. I'm also sorry if I keep you awake today due to vomit." I say, looking over at her.

"Treatment?" She asks and I nod.

"Hey, girls, I think I'm gonna bring in a guest today. You wouldn't mind right?" Anne asks, and I shake my head.

"Lena is coming over in a little bit, she promised to bring me something special for final treatment." I say, smiling and hugging my knees to my chest.

"Alright, because she has really wanted to meet you two. Ariel, sorry if she annoys you." Anne chuckles and heads out of the room.

"I wonder who her guest is gonna be." I say absently.

"So do I. I just hope I don't hate her too much." Ari says with a laugh. I laugh along and we both curl up under our covers. I reach up and turn off the light. Keep the vomit down, your fine. We always take naps whenever we can, so why not now? I shut my eyes as I slowly drift into oblivion.


"Mum, I can't do this. I thought I could, but no. I will just cry for her." A husky voice says. I hear someone slap another person.

"Harry, you are so shallow! She's sick, and you can't get over her appearance! This is what chemo does to people! If you are that shallow, just leave!" A girl's voice says.

"It's not th-" the husky voice gets cut off as Anne's voice cuts in.

"Harry, maybe it is best if you leave. I forgot about a little fact and I want her to see her friend too." She explains and I hear the boy sigh heavily. I'm still only half conscious, but I can definitely feel someone's fingers caress my cheek. I hear footsteps and then Anne's voice.

"Cay, wake up. I have someone who wants to meet you." I yawn and open my eyes to see a girl who was standing there. She gasped and smiled.

"Hi, I'm Gemma. Sorry about gasping, you just have the prettiest eyes!" She stated. I smiled and shook her hand.

"Thanks, I'm Cayleigh, but please call me Cay." I say and she nods. This should be an interesting meeting.

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