Cay's POV

"I don't need their pity. I don't need them." I sniffled, walking down one of the allies outside the mall. I didn't need to risk anyone who knows me to see me like this.

"Hey, did you hear that?" I heard someone say. My heart beat quickened and my breathing stopped.

"Yeah, sounded like some girl." Adrenaline was surging through my veins.

"It came from over here let's go!" I started freaking out, looking for a hiding spot. But it was to no avail.

"Well, well, well, what do we have here?" A man asked. I turn to see five men, one holding a baseball bat, and all looking like bad news.

"I-I don't want any trouble." I say, backing up, trying to get away from the men.

"Neither do we." One smirked. And that was when I screamed for help.


Louis's POV

"Hey, come quick! Cay needs help!!" Lena came in, fear evident in her eyes. She didn't wait for a reply, she took off sprinting. We followed her, and as we were running, Lena explained what was happening. "I was following her and hear voices in the alley. I stopped and peeked around the corner to see five guys advancing on her. Then, when she screamed, I took off running for your help." It was a little breathy, but we heard it. We stopped when we saw what Lena meant.

"HELP!!" Cay screamed.

"Shut up girl!" The man who was holding her yelled. He had her in a headlock and she couldn't get away. I could see tears running down her face, fear evident.

"We need to do something." Lena said, a tear glistening down her cheek. She was so scared for her friend. Niall engulfed her in a hug before we all took a deep breath.

"Lets go." Niall said.

"Hey, you!" I yelled as we walked around the corner to see Cay's captors.

"Why, what do we have here?" The leader smirked.

"You like that saying, don't you?" Cay hissed at him, resulting in an ear shattering scream from her.

"We don't want any trouble, just give us our friend and we'll be on our way." Liam says with control on his voice. I noticed Gemma wasn't there. I looked to the side to see her making motions saying she called the cops.

"Aww, you want to save your friend. Well pretty boy, it's gonna take a lot more than talk to get this beauty back." The leader snickered.

"You know she's dying right? Plus, that's just a wig, she's really bald." I tell them, anger seeping into my voice.

"She's dying?" He questioned.

"Yes, she's dying!! We have to get her to the hospital right away, or she could end up dying. Right here and now." I say. Cay caught on and started coughing.

"What's wrong?" He questioned her.

"Can't........breath........" She gasped out before her eyes rolling back, her eyelids shutting, and her body becoming limp.

"Crap, what do we do?" Te leader demanded.

"Just leave her!" One guy said. I heard the sirens and they panicked, dropped Cay, and ran off. We immediately ran up to Cay, Harry getting there first.

"Cay! Are you alright?" Harry asked, kneeling down by her. She looked up at him with pain clear in her eyes.

"No, he kinda, umm cut my leg." She says, and I can see Harry start to freak out. The cops pull up.

"Where are they?" One asks as the others get out.

"Sir, they went that way but sir, she needs help, she has been stabbed in the leg." Immediately, the cops whirl into action, half taking of in the direction the men went, the other half loading Cay into one of the squad cars an motioning for the rest of us to get in the other two cars. We sit in silence as we race to the hospital. Well, almost silence. I was out in the same car as Harry, and the entire way there I could hear him quietly praying for Cay to be alright.


"Yeah Lou?"

"She's gonna be alright."

"I sure hope your right."


Naw, it's not done yet. Thought about a cliffhanger, but I'll keep going.

Cay's POV

"How much longer?" I complain from the bed I was laying in. They were in the process of stitching me up from my stab wound, but I really wanted to go pack for discharge.

"We'll be done with it in about ten minutes." Anne told me. I sighed and nodded. I turned my head to see the boys, Gemma and Lena sitting in the hallway. For some reason, they left my door open. I smiled when I saw Lena sitting on Niall's lap. The only sad part was she was crying her eyes out. They were all trying to comfort her, except for Harry, who seemed to be pacing.

"Alright Cay, you're all stitched up." The doctor told me.

"Yes!" I cheered sitting up and swiveling so as to get off the bed and go pack.

"What are you doing?" Anne asked, forcing me to lay back down. I struggled against her.

"I'm going to pack! Remember, I'm being discharged today Anne!" I whined, trying to get up.

"You can't walk for a while, Cay, it can rip out the stitches." Anne told me. Tears started to threaten to make themselves known, her words crushing almost all my hope.

"But, how am I supposed to go home if I can't walk?" I ask her, my voice quivering slightly. I then heard the words that I didn't want to hear, that crushed my soul at their very utterance.

"Cayleigh, you won't be discharged until at least next week."


Ugh, I felt absolutely awful writing this chapter! I felt like a villain! I felt evil! I can't believe I wrote this... I'm so cruel! Any way, to figure out if people read these notes, I have three questions.

1. What's your favorite type of ice cream? Mine would probably be Oreo. Or chocolate chip cookie dough.

2. What country do you live in? I live in the Land Of the Free aka America. Funny thing? We aren't completely free, we have laws and rulers...

3. What's your favorite soda?? I like Mt. Dew it's so goooooddddd.

Oh, I got a watch today!! It's pink and pretty cute. I also got a pair of dip dye shorts, pink shorts, a denim skirt, a new pair of flip flops, and finally this really cute dress!! It's been a good spring break besides the sun burns. Oh well. I'm rambling now. Deep dish pizza is amazing! Any way, hope you liked the chapter. Till next time!


Ps. I need 125 reads on the whole thing, 10 comments on the chapter, and six votes on this chapter before I'll update next. :) go go go!!

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