"No, no, no, no, NO!!!" I yell, tears pouring down my face. I laid there and sobbed, not wanting to face anyone. I'm not going to leave this hospital for another week. I might as well stay here forever, I'll never get out.

"Cay, calm down, it's only a-" Anne started, until I interrupted.

"NO! Anne, I will NOT calm down! For one thing, I'm stuck in this plae to rot for another week! And for another, you never told me that you were my IDOL'S MOTHER!! Did you think, for even a minute, that me not knowing who you really was was going to help me? It would have made me soo happy, just to see them once, once in these past six months! Anne, It might have helped me pull through, but NO, you had to keep it away from me! Why Anne, why?" I rant, but whisper the last three words, the tears still pouring. By now, all seven of my new friends were in here, starring as I fought with my nurse, who I had always thought of as a mother.

"I did it for your own good. If you had known who I was, you wouldn't have been able to talk to me, you wouldn't have been able to look me in the face. Face it Cay, it was better that you didn't know." she said, taking my hands. I ripped them away from her and curled up in a little ball.

"Cay, are you alright?" I heard Lena whisper. I shook my head and just sobbed some more. Seemed like all I've done today is cry. it had started out as such a great day and then I just had to run away.

"It's all my fault, all my fault!" I cried into my hands. If only I hadn't ran off. If only i hadn't made that stupid comment.

"Cay, I wasn't going to tell you this, but you need to know. You're father wasn't going to pick you up for discharge today." Anne said quietly. I looked up at her, confusion clear on my face.

"Wh-what do you mean?" I ask, scared, hurt, and worried.

"Cay, you're father didn't want you. He agreed to pay for you, but he didn't want you when it came time for your discharge. he agreed to let me have custody of you. Cay, I was going to be your foster parent." She told me. I look up at her, shock evident on my face.

"Mum, you mean she was going to be my foster sister?" Gemma and Harry asked at the same time, Harry sounding astonished and Gemma sounsing excted. It made me laugh a little, seeing them talk at the same time.

"Yes, kids, that's why. Gemma, that's why I had you clean out the guest room. It was for Cay." My future foster mum said with a soft smile.

"Wait, he didn't want me? Is it because of-" I choked, tears building up.

"Yes, Cay, it is." Anne said sadly. The tears flowed even more freely now, and I knew this day had become the worst of my life.

"What is it because of?" I heard I think Liam whisper to Lena. I glared at him.

"It's because I look exactly like my mum! And you know why that's bad? Because she's dead!" I screamed at them. I never told anyone other than Anne about my mum. And no one knows how she died. No one. I just curled up and cried, but the thing is, I was all out of tears. Someone came and picked me up bridal style and I buried my face in their chest. I slowly calmed down and was almost asleep when we got to my room an I was gently laid down on my bed. I heard an angelic voice start singing, the sound soothing me even more.

"I set out on a narrow way many years ago

Hoping I would find true love along the broken road

But I got lost a time or two

Wiped my brow and kept pushing through

I couldn't see how every sign pointed straight to you

Every long lost dream led me to where you are

Die Young (One Direction fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now