"So, anyone want to do anything?" I asked immediately, clapping my hands. Louis and Niall jumped up immediately.

"Go surfing!" Louis shouted as Niall said play football. They stared at each other, both narrowing their eyes.

"I have a better idea. How about we do something Cay would want to do?" Zayn suggested. I smiled.

"thank you Zayn." I said before thinking.

"I know!" I yelled before running outside and into the garage. I searched before finding what I was looking for: six bicycles. I smiled, grabbing the one that was obviously Gemma's. I straddled the bike and started pedaling, hearing the guys come behind me.

"where are we going?" Harry asked.

"Anywhere!" I yelled with a laugh, feeling the wind rushing through my hair. Every one of my senses became acute as we rode. I had never realized how much I missed every day things like wind and sunshine. Being coped up in a hospital room for months and months is rather difficult. The sunshine warming my back, the wind blowing through my hair and tangling it, my legs pushing the pedals, it was all so exhilarating.

We had been riding for maybe 10 minutes, and I could already feel fatigue. My lungs were burning, my legs were shaking. I had forgotten the other part of having cancer: you lose a lot of energy. I slowed down and hopped off the bike, trying my hardest to catch my breath. I sat down on the curb, focusing on my breathing, but feeling like a fish out of water. I hear bikes clatter to the ground, but pay no attention, every bit of my concentration is on my breathing. It's getting worse. That's when the coughing starts. Relentless coughing, racking my body. I have a dazed feeling of being lifted up, but everything is mute to the horrid pain in my chest. How did I forget how weak I am? How could I be so stupid? I feel a bottle to my lips and take a sip, and the burning relieves moderately. "More" I whisper hoarsely, and more water trickles down my throat. Slowly, the pain starts to fade. As the coughing decreases, I look up at whoever was holding me. "Harry?" I ask, the view a bit fuzzy.

"Hey Cay, how're you feelin?" He asks, smiling softly.

"Could be better... When did you get so strong?" My voice shakes as I ask, my throat hoarse from coughing.

"I don't know, I guess it just happened" he replied with a laugh. "Want me to put you down?" I nod, and feel my feet hit the ground gently. I take a step, my vision blurs, I hear my voice scream "Harry!" And feel my arms grab at his shoulders before blacking out.

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