ACT 1 - five.

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The meeting with the shareholders went better than expected.

I was managing the hotels for about two years now and the changes were noticeable.

We were making more profit than ever, our brand was bigger and better, so the shareholders were happy.

But most importantly, the employees were happy to work for Hilton as well.
I raised their pay, gave them more benefits and actually tried to listen to them, something my dad never did.

On top of that, I had a great assistant who I completely trusted, Juliette was someone who would always have my back.

I was so grateful for her.


I flew to Barcelona as soon as I could. Lando probably didn't expect me to fly over so soon but I just couldn't wait.

I walked in the paddock with Jace. I was happy the testing was in Barcelona instead of Bahrain this year.

It was way easier for me to quickly visit him here.

"Rae and little Jace!" Will Buxton walked up to us and waved. I smiled politely. "Hi Will"

I got to know many people and journalists over the past year.

Will was a special one, but he sometimes gave us ice cream so I quite liked him.

"Are you here to see Lando?" He asked as he smiled at Jace.

The only thing about him was that he asked pretty obvious questions sometimes.

"We are" I answered. "I think I saw him entering his hospitality not too long ago" he said.

"Then we will make our way to the Mclaren hospitality" I smiled, nodded and walked away.

It has been a while since I saw everyone, I didn't go to the last couple of races because I was pregnant and later, I had to take care of Jace.

So it's been months.

Some people nodded politely when I entered, others were pretty confused, probably because they weren't expecting to see me.

Even though it's been a while, I still knew exactly where to go.

We spend so much time in his drivers room, I would never forget that.

I walked in his drivers room with a smile, I couldn't wait to see him again.

But as soon as I opened the door, my smile disappeared. My heart sank in my shoes and broke in a million pieces.

Lando, the love of my life and the dad of my son, was kissing his PR manager, Violet.

I couldn't even bring myself to speak up, I didn't know what to say but everything happened in slow motion.

We broke up once more, but not because we cheated, not because we betrayed each other.

I had to admit that this hurt way more.

"Unbelievable" I chuckled sarcastically which made Lando immediately take a step back from Violet but it was too late for that.

I saw everything. I saw way more than I wanted to see.

"Wait, Rae" he almost begged, but I was already walking out of the door. I wanted to run, but I couldn't because I was holding Jace.

I couldn't break down, not in a paddock full of people, fans and journalists.

But most importantly, I couldn't break down in front of Jace.

High stakes - part 3 Where stories live. Discover now