ACT 3 - four.

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I woke up because Lando pulled me closer to his body. I guess he woke up before me and wanted to cuddle before going to the paddock.

That's exactly what I wanted to do too.

I brushed my fingers against his arm and pressed my ass against his dick. Something that would always get him hard.

I wasn't gonna have sex with him now, but it was always fun to get him a little horny.

"Morning baby" he said as he kissed my shoulder a few times. "Good morning" I smiled.

"It's already pretty late, so I'm gonna take a shower. You can join me if you want" he said, followed by a little bite in my shoulder.

"I will be there soon" I mumbled. I wanted to stay in bed just a little longer.

It was a long evening yesterday, we didn't have sex or anything but we talked for a few hours.

Which was pretty necessary because we had a lot to talk about.

I got up and walked to the bathroom. Lando was already standing in the shower with his toothbrush in his mouth.

"Are you joining me princess?" He asked with a smirk. "Just one moment" I said as I grabbed the spare Hilton toothbrush and toothpaste.

I brushed my teeth and leaned against the sink. I looked at Lando, he was so incredibly handsome.

After I was done brushing my teeth, I took my clothes off and walked in the shower with him.

"I am a lucky man" he mumbled, his hands brushed down my body. What started with a cute kiss, ended with him pulling me up and kissing me harder.

My back was against the shower wall, my legs wrapped around his body and my lips on his.

Once again we didn't have sex but that didn't matter. I would rather wait, build up the tension even more, even though I would be lying if I said that I wasn't extremely horny for him.

And he was extremely horny for me. He couldn't hide that.

We got dressed, got ready and were ready to go to breakfast.

"We can't go in together" Lando said and he was right about that. We already discussed that.

With Violet running around the paddock, we couldn't take any chances. Even though I said she was fired, I knew I had to discuss this with Zak as well.

I couldn't take that decision on my own.

"That's okay, I need to change so I'll go back to my room and I'll see you there" I said. "And I'll still pretend that I hate you"

"As long as it is all pretend, then I'm fine with that" he pulled me against his body and let his lips brush against mine.

I never hated him, I always cared for him.

I went back to my room, got changed out of my dress and fixed my hair quickly.

"Let's go to breakfast, or did you eat already?" Juliette smirked as I walked out of the bathroom. "A little sausage maybe?"

"Little? I don't do little sausages" I laughed, knowing exactly what she meant. "You have no idea Juliette"

"I think I do, I saw him in his underwear already" Juliette laughed as well. "I know you don't do little sausages"

We were laughing the entire way to breakfast and walked in with the biggest smiles on our faces.

Lando was already sitting on a table with Zak, his trainer and unfortunately also Violet.

I grabbed some food and coffee. Oscar was already smiling at me, so I already knew where we would sit.

Next to Oscar and Lando obviously didn't like that.

"Good morning" Oscar said and smiled to the both of us. "Good morning Oscar, are you ready for today?"

"I definitely am" he nodded. "Especially when you guys are in the garage"

I laughed and looked down at my plate again before my phone buzzed.


Don't laugh with him like that

Don't let Violet touch you like that

She isn't touching me

Her shoulder is touching yours
Maybe I should move closer to Oscar as well

He immediately moved his chair away from her and looked at me.

"Good boy" I mouthed to him. He smiled and bit his lower lip before Zak said something to him that shook him out of his thoughts.

It was gonna be hard to pretend we didn't like each other, but on the other hand, we could also make it fun.

High stakes - part 3 Where stories live. Discover now