ACT 2 - five.

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I didn't go to the next races, not because I didn't want to, but because it just wasn't possible with Jace.

Jeddah and Australia were just too far away and he needed a steady home.

So I also didn't see Lando for about two months. Jace didn't see his dad for two months.

I felt bad about that. I didn't want him to grow up without his dad. So, I packed our bags and flew to Baku.

I didn't sit still during these months though, I hired several talented engineers and they were already working on the car, trying to improve it.

It would be the first weekend that they would roll out the upgrades and I was quite nervous about that. If they didn't work, it would be my fault.

I walked in the hospitality and I could tell they still didn't want to see me here.
Everyone would rather see me go, everyone except for Oscar.

He immediately smiled as soon as he saw me.

"Wow it seems like ages since I saw you" he said as I sat down with him and put Jace on my lap. "I hope I didn't scare you off with what I said"

"You didn't scare me off, Oscar" I smiled. "I actually thought a lot about what you said. I thought a lot about you"

"Really?" His face lit up and his smile became bigger than I ever seen before. "I thought a lot about you too, Rae"

And the feeling I felt that night was back, but just as on that night, Lando interrupted it. He walked in, holding hands with Violet.

His face dropped when he saw me, once again, sitting with Oscar.

He immediately let go off Violet's hand and walked up to us. "Rae, can I have a minute?"

I nodded. "Sure" but I wasn't gonna get up. If he wanted to talk to me, then he could talk to me in front of Oscar.

"Why are you investing your own money in Mclaren?"

Okay, not exactly the question I was expecting. I was expecting him to ask to hang out with Jace, but fair enough.

"Because this team needed money, needed upgrades" I answered.

His face softened a little. "You don't want to mess this up? You don't want to destroy us?"

"Quite the opposite actually" I chuckled.

"Rae.." he mumbled my name. I almost forgot how good my name sounded when it came out of his mouth.

Even better when he moaned it though.

"Lando" I looked up at him and I guess we forgot we were in a full hospitality right now.

Until Violet snapped us back to reality. "Lando, we have to go" she said as she put her hand on his shoulder. "You too Oscar"

Both of them looked at me, I don't know what they wanted me to do though.

"Listen to the boss" I said sarcastically.

Lando kneeled in front of Jace and hugged him for a quick minute. "Can I please see him tonight?"

I nodded. He didn't even need to ask it, he could always see him, whenever he wanted.

"And you too, please?" He whispered, probably because his girlfriend was standing right next to him.

I nodded again. He got up and followed Violet outside. Oscar was still sitting down and was looking at me.

"I think you have media duties" I chuckled. He shrugged his shoulders. "She isn't my boss though"

"Not a Violet fan?"

He shook his head. "No one is, everyone hates her"

"Except for Lando" I said.

"But he's a complete idiot for choosing her over you" he said as he got up, put his hand on my shoulder and squeezed it a couple of times.

I watched him walk out of the hospitality as well. With a smile on my face.

High stakes - part 3 Where stories live. Discover now