ACT 4 - one.

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Lando's POV

The good thing about the Monaco GP was that we didn't have to stay in an hotel.

It was much better waking up in your own apartment than in a hotel.

My alarm went off a couple of times, but when I turned around to cuddle Rae, she wasn't laying next to me.

I was already suspecting where she could be and when I walked to the living room, my suspicion got confirmed.

She was laying on the couch, with Jace on her chest, both watching some baby show on tv.

"Good morning beautiful" my voice still came out rough. She looked up with a tired smile on her face.

Rae had to take a step down at Hilton and Juliette took over the position of CEO.
Safe to say that Rae wasn't happy about that at all.

Juliette has been blowing up her phone and mine as well, but Rae told me not to pick up. She didn't want to talk to her.

And maybe I should be mad at Juliette too, for hurting Rae, for betraying her like that.

But I was actually also grateful because Juliette saw what I noticed too but what Rae would never admit.
She was drowning herself.

She needed to take a step down, she couldn't handle Mclaren and Hilton at the same time.

But to her, it looked like Juliette stabbed her in the back with the knife she handed her.

Knowing Rae, she already had a plan to get her position as CEO back.

"Early morning?" I asked as I leaned down to her and kissed her. "As always, but he's sleeping again"

She looked down at Jace, who was indeed sleeping on her chest.

"I am quickly gonna eat breakfast, okay?" I asked and she nodded.

She was an unbelievable impressive woman and I couldn't be more grateful that she was in my corner again.

But we had so many things that were left unsaid. We never talked about Violet, or about Nora.

If she didn't kill her, then who did?

And Max, the way he looked at Rae's bra that evening, he knew it was hers and I doubted she still had the same bra since they dated.

That was years ago and even I never saw that bra before, so it was a new one and he recognized it.

I grabbed my premade breakfast out of the fridge and leaned against the counter. Not much later, Rae walked in without Jace.

"I put him back in his crib" she mumbled and grabbed a cup of coffee.

She took a sip from her cup and sighed. She was tired, she looked tired but she was still looking extremely beautiful.

I put my breakfast down on the counter next to me. "Come here" I mumbled as I opened my arms.

She put her coffee down as well, walked up to me and put her head against my chest while I hugged her.

It was clear that she needed someone and normally she had Juliette who would motivate her, they were always together.

I felt bad for her.

"Everything will be fine" I whispered. I kissed the top of her head before looking down at her. "You know what would make me feel better?" She asked.

She looked up at me, her beautiful eyes were looking into mine. "No?"

"If you win this race" she smiled.

And God, my heart. My heart was beating so damn fast for her.

I never doubted her love for me and I never doubted my love for her.

She was it for me, I never wanted anyone else.

I would win this race for her.

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