ACT 1 - seven.

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I flew back to Monaco with Juliette and Jace as soon as I could.
There was no reason for me to stay in Barcelona and I didn't want to run into Violet.

I was afraid I might kill her if I saw that smirk on her face.

But I had something better in mind anyway.

I dropped Jace off at Charlotte's because I had to grab my stuff from Lando's apartment and move back into my old penthouse.

Even though I gave my penthouse to Juliette, she obviously welcomed me back with open arms and so did Zayden.

As I walked into Lando's apartment, my phone started buzzing another time. He was calling me like crazy, thinking it would make a difference.

Thinking I would take him back after he cheated on me for months and if he could, he would still be cheating on me right now.

He wouldn't have told me.

His entire team knew, the team I was sponsoring, the team I was giving millions.

He was using me, they were using me.

I grabbed all my clothes, makeup, Jace's clothes and most of his stuff and looked around.

We spend so many good moments in here. The cuddle sessions on the couch, the food fights in the kitchen and the bathroom, where we found out I was pregnant.

Those memories were all replaced by one moment that wasn't getting out of my mind.

I kept replaying that moment in my head, over and over again.

I grabbed one of his golf clubs and looked at it. I smirked as I looked at Juliette.

"What is on your mind?" She asked, but I guess my smirk said enough. I gestured her to follow me downstairs, to the garage.

And there it was, his Mclaren. His baby, the car he was so proud to drive.

I smashed the golf club against his car, once, twice. I don't even know how many times.

The windows were shattered, the headlights of his car were completely destroyed together with both mirrors.

And I didn't even feel bad, I didn't feel bad for him at all.

His car was left in pieces, just like my heart.

Besides, he could buy multiple cars like that after he got half of my money.


Juliette was looking at me. She rolled her eyes but still had a little smile on her face. "Are you done?"

I nodded as I let the golf club fall out of my hand. "Maybe next time, he'll think before he cheats"

Even though the next time that he cheats, it won't be on me.

"Your phone" Juliette said as she was pointing at my phone on the table. "It's probably Lando, just ignore it"

"It's not Lando, it's Zak" she said.

I let out a chuckle and shook my head. "Definitely ignore that call"

"He's calling me now" Juliette held out her phone and put it in my hands.

I rolled my eyes, picked up the phone and immediately put it on speaker. "Hi Zak"

"Juli- oh is this Rae?" He said confused. "It is. Or did you want to talk to Juliette?"

"No, no, I wanted to talk to you" he stuttered, he wasn't prepared for this. "I'm listening"

"I got a call saying that you canceled all our bookings in your hotels for the coming season"

He was correct about that. I gave them millions and they still stayed in my hotels for free, ate for free, had the gyms booked only for them.

Not anymore.

"Correct. I mean, I still have them reserved for Mclaren, but if you want it, then you have to pay for it"

"That's not fair Rae, that's millions we're talking about and we didn't put that in our budget"

Zak was stressing, I could hear that in his voice.

"I can still downgrade you to normal rooms, no breakfast, no gyms. It will cost you much less" I said as calmly as I could.

"Why though?"

Interesting. Lando didn't tell him yet.

"You know Zak, when your driver fucks another girl in my hotels, in the beds I own, looks at the stars on the balcony of my damn hotels with another girl, then it's only normal that I'm not gonna sponsor that"

He let out a sigh, he didn't know and he probably realized he wasn't gonna be able to talk me out of this.

"So Zak, let me know if you want to pay for all the rooms or not, by the end of tomorrow please" if not, then I could just let normal guests stay there, or maybe another team.

Either way, it was a win-win for me.

If Lando wants a downgrade, then he can get one.

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