ACT 2- three.

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"God, this is such a mess" I said as I cracked my neck.

Juliette looked up from her laptop. "Yeah? Even bigger than the Hilton mess you fixed?"

We were both sitting outside the Mclaren hospitality after we had a quiet evening.
Lando took care of Jace and it was nice to have an evening off.

I was going through Mclaren's income and expenses, it didn't look good at all. They needed another sponsor or two.

I grew up with business talks about hotels, catering and everything that had to do with the hotel business, but unfortunately, I knew nothing about F1.

Not the business side of it at least.

"Yes, they're leaking money so they had to fire multiple incredible talented engineers" I explained.

Zak dragged me to many meetings, but he didn't realize that he was feeding me so much information by doing that.

He thought I would get so bored and probably not listen properly.

He was underestimating me.

"And that's why their car is underperforming" Juliette made the right conclusion, that's why she was my right hand.

She was incredibly smart.

"So we need to push some money in them, find the best engineers, upgrade their car, make them win, get the sponsors back and then we can leave"

Juliette nodded. "Sounds easy" she said sarcastically.
"But we can't push Hilton money in them, the board will never allow that"

I already came to the same conclusion. The board already didn't agree with this sponsorship, let alone give them even more money.

This couldn't be Hilton money, this had to come from my bank account.

"Then it will be Delvey money" I shrugged my shoulders.

"Are you crazy?" Juliette said as she closed her laptop. "We are talking about millions"

"If I wanna divorce Lando, then I'll lose millions either way, it's smarter to invest it now"

"It's a huge risk" Juliette clearly didn't agree but I had no choice. "You wanna invest in a team, only to get rid of them in the long term"

"You got it" I chuckled. "Can you figure out the best mechanics and engineers Red Bull and Ferrari dropped over the years?"

Because I needed them to be free immediately.

"I don't work for Mclaren" Juliette raised her eyebrow.

"But you work for me" I said with a smile. "But I get paid with Hilton money" she said as she returned my smile.

"Which is also Delvey money" I said.

"Fine" she sighed. "I so need a raise"

"You definitely do" I chuckled as I got up. "I have a dinner to attend. I'll see you back in the hotel"


Lando and I agreed to go to dinner together.

When I walked in the restaurant, Lando was already sitting on the table, which was surprising because he was always late.

But not now.

"Jace is with Zak" he immediately said. "Okay" I answered before sitting down.

My heart was pounding so fast because I didn't know if I was ready for this.

"I miss you" he mumbled. I expected this, I knew he would try to lie his way out of this.

"Tell me exactly what's going on between Violet and you" I said, ignoring his lie.

"Nothing" he lied again.

"Nothing? You were kissing her and you said it's been going on for months."

"But it meant nothing. She means nothing" he sighed a little and all I could do was just shake my head.

"Then you're even more dumb than I thought you were. You left Jace and I for someone who meant nothing?"

"I-I just-" he started but stopped and looked down at the table.

I waited for him to explain, to tell me why he did that. But he wasn't gonna do that.

Maybe there wasn't a reason, maybe he didn't want to tell me.

Either way, I wasn't gonna get answers tonight.

High stakes - part 3 Where stories live. Discover now