ACT 3 - two.

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"So there's a new hotel opening tonight, I think we should go there" I said as Rae and I were sitting at the wrong hospitality, again.

She spend more time at the Red Bull hospitality lately than at the Mclaren one.

Which I understood, because she didn't want to see Lando, but it also meant that we spend a lot of time with Max Verstappen.

I didn't hate him, but I also needed to talk to Rae in private and it just wasn't possible lately.

"Yeah sounds fun" Rae nodded. This was her first weekend without Jace, he stayed with Lando's parents.

"I will go with you" Max said.

Are you kidding me?

"Why?" I frowned. He was taking advantage of her. She was weak and sad and I was sure he was the one she snuck out to every night.

"I don't know, it could be fun" he shrugged his shoulders. "No it's okay Max, it wouldn't be a good look for you to come to an Hilton event" Rae said.

Finally someone used their brain.

He just shrugged it off but I couldn't be happier that it was only gonna be her and I.


"Is Zayden coming to Monaco?" Rae asked as she was putting on her shoes.

I was still dating Zayden and honestly it was absolutely amazing. He was perfect, but unfortunately we both had busy jobs.

"Yes he is" I smiled while sitting down on the edge of the bed. "Oh good, it will be fun" Rae answered.

She looked at me and raised her eyebrow. "Why aren't you getting dressed? I'm not going alone"

"There isn't an hotel opening tonight, I just wanted to spend some time with my best friend"

She rolled her eyes and kicked her heels off. "You could've just asked, you know"

"Would you have listened though?"

"I would" she said, but almost questioned her own statement.

"You're always running off Rae, you're shutting me out and I don't know why"

She sighed and sat down next to me.

"Because it's easier to run away than to face the reality I guess. It was hard to divorce Lando, even harder to admit to myself that he doesn't love me anymore"

"Oh Rae" I sighed as I wrapped my arms around her.

She broke down, she finally broke down. She finally admitted to everything that she was holding in for too long.

Way too long.

She cried and cried and I let her. I let her be weak for an evening.

When she stopped crying, she wiped away her tears and cracked a little smile. "I guess I needed that"

I nodded in agreement and finally I had the balls to ask the question I was desperate to ask for weeks now.

"Does he know about everything that happened?" I asked softly. She shook her head. I was already expecting that.

He wanted to protect her from something that she didn't do.

"He thinks you killed Nora"

She leaned back and looked at me. Confused, but also realizing why everything happened lately.

"I-I need to go" she stuttered a little as she grabbed her shoes.

"Yes you do" I smiled slightly.

She was gonna run off again, but this time, she was gonna run off to the right person.

High stakes - part 3 Where stories live. Discover now