ACT 4 - nine.

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"How can you not be nervous?" Juliette asked as she was walking around the room. "Because there's nothing to worry about"

I grabbed her arm to make her stop walking through the damn room. "You've got this" I said as I looked her in the eyes.

"I don't think I can do this" she shook her head. "You have to take over"

I rolled my eyes and sighed.

It was her first business review with the stakeholders. We prepared everything together and went through the numbers together.

I had to admit that they didn't look great, but that wasn't Juliette's fault. It was their fault, with their stupid idea's.

"Calm the fuck down" I yelled a bit too loud, but it definitely got her attention. "I will be there and tap in if you need help, but I'm sure I won't have to do that"

I grabbed her hand and pulled her with me. She thought she had an another hour to prepare but I told her the wrong information on purpose.

Sometimes it's better if you're thrown into the lion's den.

I nodded at her as we walked in the room, a couple of suits were already sitting at the table.
It felt weird to sit down at the table instead of standing in front of it.

"Miss Delvey, are you joining us today? Didn't expect that" one of the suits said as she looked at me. "I own more of this business that everyone combined, so it's pretty normal, no?"

He shrugged his shoulders and chuckled a little. "Just thought you would be too busy with your boyfriend" he leaned closer to me, putting his arms on the table. "How is he doing by the way?"

"Mind your own business, I don't ask how your mistress is doing either" I snapped. I was done with him belittling me.

He just laughed, that kind of laugh you do when you're nervous, he tried to laugh away the awkwardness.

"Uh-hi" Juliette cleared her throat. "Can we start?"

I nodded at her with a smile on my face. She was so nervous, I could hear her voice crack a few times during the meeting.

But she did great, she did very well. She covered every little thing even before they could ask questions about it.

That's exactly how you lead a meeting.

"So, I saw you raised the employees wages again, why?" That annoying suit asked.

"Because it was stupid to lower them in the first place" she said, which made me chuckle.

This was the Juliette I wanted to see.

"Your idea, I assume?" He looked at me. I put my hands in the air and shook my head.

"Anyways" he turned his face back to Juliette. "It was a good decision"

Two hours later, they walked out of the room and Juliette let out a breath she was holding the entire time.

Poor girl.

"You did amazing" I smiled as I got up and wrapped my arms around her. "Next time, you're gonna prepare it all by yourself"

She was ready for it.


"So how did Jules do?" Lando asked as we were both laying on the couch after we put Jace to bed. "She did amazing"

"I knew it, little Jules got it in her" Lando laughed. "Now you can fully concentrate on me"

Well, I still wanted to guide her a little bit, there was still a lot to learn, but I knew he just wanted to be cute right now.

And who was I to deny him that?

"Full focus on you" I mumbled while pressing my lips on his. Just as we were about to deepen the kiss, my phone went off a couple of times.

We decided to ignore it. This kiss was way more important than whoever was calling me.

I think we kissed for a long time, I could honestly kiss him for hours.

Lando grabbed my phone from the little table and quickly looked at it.

"Why is Christian Horner calling you?" He frowned while handing me my phone.

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