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A few days go by as I try to make sense of the castle and the various smaller houses on the estate that are given up for rent.

They used to be for people that worked in the manor but recently Jennie gave up those parts as homeless shelters and provides a monthly allowance to each house but they can always ask for more as long as a reason is stated.

When I asked why she did it she just laughed and said, "I have all this money. I'm not going to use all of it and when I die, it will all go to charity. So I thought that I can just start now. Why wait until I die?"

Jennie does all these things that make me think she's a good person but I don't know if she's lying to me or not because her public image contradicts her actions to the people she actually cares about.

She's known as this sex-addict and homewrecker to the outside world but does all these small things that no one focuses on. Not the media. Not her family. Only she knows. And I don't know which is her true side or what is her motive for having those two sides.

What. A. Person.

"So take me through the whole incident. What happened. How he was found and etc," I say to Jennie as she takes me to her father's study.

She nods and points to his chair at his desk. "He was found there. In the morning. The police said the autopsy showed opioids. He had terrible back pain so they assumed the medicine was for that and he was found by Laura when she usually comes in to give him his usual morning coffee."

"He never showed any signs of depression?"

She sighs. "As much as I love my dad, he started to become more private in the last 2 or 3 years before his death. I don't know why but he was always happy when he was with me."

I nod and ask, "What else?"

"She screamed and pressed the emergency button in his room that we got because he's old. I was the first one that got there."

"And who was the last?" I ask.

"My brother. Walter. He doesn't care much about family stuff, including my mom and dad. He particularly hates me. We argue a lot. And I even argued with him when he moved out of this house not too long after my dad's funeral."

"Did he say he was going anywhere specifically?"

"No. I think he moved down the street to be petty. His wife is with him and I always feel bad for her because she's actually really nice yet is completely in love with him. I don't get what she sees in my brother."

I nod. "And that's it?"


"Do you have the police report with you or should I go to the station?"

"I have it," she says and takes a step towards me. "But I need to get out of the house so let's go to the station together."

"Alright. Let's go now before anyone else gets caught up in things down there."


"You want information on the Killian case?" The police officer asks me.

I pull Jennie in front of me. "I have his daughter right here."

Jennie holds her hand out but the guy is just slack-jawed. He shakes her hand and faints.

Jennie tilts her head. "I will say that I never had someone do that before."

I look at her. "What have other people done?"

"Mostly jump up and down in joy. Rush to buy me something. But I've never had a man swoon before," she tells me nonchalantly.

I blink rapidly. "Women have swooned over you?"

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