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I place the white envelope on the General's desk.

"I resign."

He stares at the words written in Korean down the envelope.

"Why?" He asks.

I clasp my hands behind my back. "I want to retire. Have a normal life. I feel that....maybe it's time I move on. I've been stuck here for too long."

He sighs. "Who am I supposed to hire now?"

I smile.


"WHAT THE FUCK DO YOU MEAN THAT YOU'RE RESIGNING?!" Soojoo shouts as she bursts into my office.

I laugh and place my laptop in the box they gave me. "Don't worry. I recommended you for the job."

"I don't care about that! How can you resign?! You're perfect for the job!" She protests.

I look at her. "I wasn't happy here after....everything that happened with Jihye. I found Jennie. She understands me.....loves me. It's been two weeks as I try to wrap up everything here and I miss her so fucking much."

Soojoo smiles sadly. "I'll miss working with you."

I go around my desk and pull her into a hug. "Same here Soojoo."


I stand at the airport with Lisa and Rosie. I smile at the digital rolling letters of my flight number at the destination to Australia along with the Green digital lettering of "On Time".

"Jisoo," Rosie says and I turn to her.

Rosie has seen a picture of Jennie. Rosie and Jihye were very close friends so it was a shock to her but she knows that Jennie is different. In the months leading up to my move, Jennie has come to Korea and met Rosie and Lisa. They absolutely adore her and asked so many questions about how we fell in love. I showed her around and introduced her to everyone at my work. They loved her as well because how could you not love Jennie?

I step towards Rosie and she purses her lips to hold back tears. "Oh you big baby!" I say and wrap my arms around her as her tears fall on my shirt again. "You know that I'll visit! I can't leave you both forever! You're crying a river Rosie!"

She punches my arm and I turn my head to Lisa. "Do something about your—Not you too Lisa!" Tears start falling down her cheeks and she hugs my back.

I sigh and finally give in. "I'll miss you both too but I'll come back and call as much as I can. You both said you supported me doing this."

"We do! We want you to be happy Jisoo," Lisa says into my sweatshirt. "But we love you and we'll miss you."

I grin. "I know. You both are basically my parents."


I look up and they slowly pull away from me and hug each other. I give them both kisses on the cheek and wrap them up in a giant hug.

"I love you both! Take care! I'll call you! I'll see you again for Christmas! I'll bring Jennie!" I shout and they wave bye to me as I run off.

I wave again and then go into the security line. I smile sadly because I'm going to miss my friends but....

I'll finally get to start anew.


The plane lands at 6 that evening and I take the limo Jennie got for me that takes me home. It drives and I can see the sunset through the window as we go past the gates.

I drives the long pathway before driving into the circle and I see the love of my life sitting the steps in jeans and a black T-shirt yet still looking like the most beautiful woman alive.

I practically jump out of the car and Jennie runs down the steps, skipping them two at a time, before she flings herself into my arms, wrapping them tightly around my neck. I circle mine around her waist tightly.

"I missed you," she sighs into my ear and I grin.

"I missed you too."

She pulls away and smiles as she stares into my eyes. "You're moving here officially. You're not on vacation this time."

I shake my head. "No. I'm home."


Hey everyone! Thank you so much with your patience with this story and keeping up with it! I know it was converted from my Chaelisa story but I hope it still met your Jensoo standards!

Thank you so much for reading and I love all of you!

See you later....


(Not) On Vacation (Jensoo)Where stories live. Discover now