Chapter 3: Bearhug

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I slept in Catnaps house that night. I slept on the couch while he slept in his room. Claw marks were present around the mysterious building, with clawed out sentences:

The Prototype?..
The name sent shivers down my spine, I felt as if I knew it but I've never seen it or even heard about it. The feeling confused me. I noticed a Catnap plush placed on the corner of the room. Using my pendant as a light source (cmon yall it's a sun) I
grabbed the plush and hopped back onto the couch. The signature scent was noticeable. Lavender, it even smelt like it in the building. I remembered everyone had a scent.

Catnap was so comforting to me, he was my first friend of course so it was reasonable. But my face always turned red and my heart would beat really fast. Everyone else was scared of him, he'd always have small pupils that 'would send a shiver down your spine' not to me, his eyes were beautiful. No one else talked to him.

After thinking to myself for a bit. I slowly dosed of to a peaceful sleep.
Morning - 7:28 A.M

My eyes flickered open and let out a big yawn, my eyes widened to see Catnap standing right in front of my and smiling, I got that feeling again.
"M-Morning Catnap!.. uh, what are you doing h-here..?"
I questioned. All I got in return was his heavy breathing and stare.
After a couple of seconds he answered
"Checking up on you.."
"Oh.. well... thank you"
He sat next to me, with my blank smile and stare, after a minute of silence he spoke.
"Do you need anything?"
"Water would be nice!"
He got up and I could hear him pour a glass for me. He walked back and handed it to me.
"Thanks Catnap!"
"You should go.."
He said after my first sip.
"The others don't trust me. Go before they do something."
I believed what he said, no one else liked him.
He walked me out of the building and over to mine, I thanked him for the night and hugged him. His hugged back after 2 seconds.

8:56 A.M
I was on my porch with a book in my paws. I got distracted seeing Bobby Bearhug walking with Dogday. I got a bad feeling about this. She kept holding his shoulder and he'd smile awkwardly and sweat would drop from his fur. I could tell he wasn't comfortable with her touching him like that. I knew this wasn't jealousy, it was a murderous feeling in me. A evil thought crossed my mind. Sounding like it was a given order from..

♡︎- (Bobby POV)
Gotta admit, I have a huuuuuge crush on Dogday! Just look at him! He's so nice and playful and is the best leader we've had. I've noticed him hanging out with Catnap a lot. It angers me, no one likes him. He's scary and doesn't fit with the rest of us, but Dogday doesn't care for some reason. I'm not losing him to a stupid feline. Ok ok, I've got to confess. I mean, obviously he'll say yes. He wouldn't think that someone like him would even have a crush on Dogday. I grabbed some daisies and wrapped it in a orange bow and placed a sun sticker on it. Perfect!

2:30 P.M

I was ready! I waited for the sun to set to perfect the lovey dovey feeling. Though when I exited my house. I immediately felt like I was being watched. I tried to ignore it when red gas surrounded me. I felt dizzy and eventually collapsed to the ground.

I woke in cells. I didn't recognise them, but the thought escaped as two tiny pupils stared through my soul. My brows narrowed and my eyes started to tear up. I was terrified, this was something I've never felt before! What is Happening!? Please let me go! I tried to squirm free of the tight shackles, noticing the eyes moving closer, revealing a tall, slender and bony structured body crawl towards me. A wide smile faced down towards me. I could literally see his ribs! I finally knew who this was. The moon pendant felt like it screamed his name at me. Catnap..

Heyyy just saying this part will have gore featured. If you are sensitive to this topic, I would recommend skipping. The gore ends with 💔💔💔 at the end of the paragraph. See you down below!

His heavy breathing sent goose bumps as I let out a gasp.
I screamed as his claws dug through my stomach. The pain welcomed me immediately. I looked up as he lifted his paw and pulled out my heart, the beating would slowly stop. The pain was worse and I could feel myself dying.. my took my heart pendant.
I screamed my loudest as he through the organ to the ground and stepped on it. He then went and slit my throat and ripped out my vocal cords. The pain was horrible! Why haven't I died yet.. I could feel my blood trickling down my legs, I looked up at the smiling cat. He paused for a moment and put his paw back in my mouth, taking out my tongue
I tried to scream for help, but I couldn't. I was in excruciating pain. I didn't even get to tell Dogday how I fel-
Catnaps paw slammed my head against the wall
All I could hear was his heavy breathing, my pupils darted to his paw. I noticed his was digging it deep into my head.
It's like he read my mind. My eyelids slowly closed. This is the end.

I made the gore short because I knew most of y'all won't like it. Sorry to you guys that like it :(

I walked out of the cells and into my house. I've done my work for the Prototype, he will save us all. I opened the door and headed for a shower. No evidence. The next morning I noticed that they started to wonder were the plush was and how she went missing.
"Hey Catnap.. Have you seen Bobby?"
I looked up from my book seeing Crafty Corn with a worried look on her face. I smiled.

My hands really hurt so I'll end here my worms. Anyways thanks for 400+ reads I'm really grateful
I really don't know why people are even reading this BAHAHAHHAH
Anyways BYEEE

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