Chapter 7: Hopscotch

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Sorry for not uploading chapters.
I had to have a break because of my personal life and high school. Not only that but I had a serious medical issue today and spent the whole day at the hospital. Don't be worried because it was only a seizure and I'm okay 🩷🫶
Enjoy the chapter!

↯- (Hoppy's POV)
"I win I win!"
I jumped up and down in front of Kickin Chicken. I had just won a game of soccer from him. He smiled until he looked shocked, bumping me with his elbow and nudging me into the direction of Catnap and Dogday sitting near the field. I huffed in annoyance. I didn't have a crush like most girls did on either of them, the problem is Catnap. I know he murdered Bobby and caused Crafty to disappear. Dogday hanging out with him and spending so much time has left the rest of us puzzled and concerned. My eyes widened at the sight of Dogday placing his paw on Catnap's, holding his paw.

"Yuck! I can't believe Dogday even feels safe around that thing!?"
I pouted.
"Ew. Let's just ignore it for now, I'm sure it's not that big of a deal"
Kickin suggested
"It's not that.. it's that Dogday trust Catnap. We know he killed Bobby! And he's the reason Crafty disappeared. Since he's our leader, everyone else like Picky and Bubba will listen to him. Until he kills us all."
A tear ran down my cheek at the horrible though until Kickin placed his wing in my shoulder, attempting to calm me down. I looked at him and smiled. With hope that won't happen.

Catnap got on all fours and crawled in a circle two times, until he comfortably layed down. I patted his soft fur, releasing a purring sound from the plush. I looked up at the sky and turned my head seeing Hoppy looking a bit annoyed, Catnap lifted his head in confusion.
"Hey..mind if I talk to you for a second Dogday.."
Catnap stared at her for second and then nodded at me, giving a clear signal.
"Uh, sure.."
We walked into the forest next to Home Sweet Home, until we stopped where I last saw Crafty.
"We need to know what happening.. Bobby is dead, Crafty is missing and Catnap has been acting weird since we" Something is going on, something we can't control. One thing I know is than Catnap killed Bobby."
A tear was present in her eyes.

I sighed

"Hoppy we've talked about this, I know he didn't. He's my best friend. He's always been there from me. Right from day one, no words of yours is gonna change that."
"I knew you wouldn't believe me so I.."
She handed multiple photographs, some of which included Bobby's crime scene. It only showed THE HOUR OF JOY scratched above her body before it went missing.
I huffed until she handed me the last pictures.
Inside Catnap's house
Was scratched out on his wall


I could feel my breath becoming faster and faster as sweat trickled down my face. I dropped the photos on the ground and looked up at the hare. My eyes wide and mouth open panting fast. My paws were up to my waist as I slowly backed up from her. Eventually turning and running.

I slammed the door open and ran to that wall.

"She told you. Didn't she?"
I heard a familiar voice call out to me, I barely turned around until being pinned against the wall. He stroked the fur on my cheek with a wide smile.

"Dogday.. I'll save you. He'll save you. The prototype will save us Dogday, during The Hour Of Joy."
I was panting fast in fear now, confused.
"W-who is the prototype..?"
He paused and stared at the ground. He took a deep breath and sighed.
"Before I I was a young boy. Unaware of the lies and dangers the facility held. Until I met a robotic bone structured hand. Experiment 1006... the prototype. He helped me escape but when I was about to leave. The green grab pack electrocuted me, but he saved me. I was able to live by being put into this body. Now he will save us again. But you're coming with me."

I could sense the pain when he was talking. He'd seen so much, at such a little age. Only to go through this torture. I kissed him for a second. I pulled away as he smiled.
"I love you Catnap"
I nuzzled his nose with mine and held his face for a moment before pulling away slowly. He walked out the door and looked back at me before closing it shut.

Gore warn
Gore ends with ⚡️⚡️⚡️


I'll make this quick. Spotting a green hare walking by herself, I charged at her. We crashed to the ground, her back was facing me as I dug my claws through her plush body and pulling out he jaggered her spine and stabbing it right through her. I ripped her ear cleans of her scalp as screams echoed through my mind. I nailed her body onto a tree near the forest. A gift for my friends


Heyyy sorry Gore was really short. I'm a bit tired so I hope you enjoyed. Sorry for not posting for long!

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