Chapter 4: Flower

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"Nnngh!" I Stretched and let out a yawn, pulling the covers off my legs. I felt very energetic today! My tail wagged as I hopped out of my room eager for breakfast. Taking my Catnap plush with me, I made some pancakes to match the feeling I have today. It really must be my lucky day. The smell of breakfast left warming feeling around the room. I placed the food on a plate and drizzled some sweet maypole syrup. Mm! My eyes darted upwards, seeing a purple figure.
"Gah! Oh phew it's just you Catnap"
He just started and smiled. It got my tail wagging. And fast.
"Want some"
"I already ate, it was good bear"
Did he say?
"Oh nothing"
I must of heard things.

I noticed a lot of the females had been crushing on Dogday. It was typical, like any girl would for a powerful leader. I could tell Dogday wasn't interested, he was too innocent for dating.
"Mmm! This is sooooo good! You sure you don't want any?"
I smiled.
He kept letting out noises of satisfaction of his breakfast. He really enjoyed this.
"Alr aight I'm done, how bout we hang out outside!"
His face was red. I just smiled.
We walked out of the door to see Crafty acorn is front of us, fiddling with her colourful pendant. We waited for a sec to notice and she looked at me for a second. Looking worried or annoyed. She looked at Dogday and smiled with her face turning red..

"Oh good morning Dogday! Can we hang out today?"
She looked at Catnap for second, her reaction was hard to decipher. Worry? Annoyance? Disgust? I don't know..
"Oh uh, I've got plans with-
"Great! I'll see you by the soccer field, cya"
Catnap slammed the door, cleary irritated at Crafty's behaviour.
"Catnap? Are you ok..?"
He just stood there with his same smiling expression. He took a long deep breath and looked at me. My face got kind of red from his stare. He turned and faced me.
"Look I don't want to upset her, she might even blame it on you! You know how the others feel, how about you just come our stay near and watch. When I touch my pendant. Come get me, okay?"

He stood there. Thinking of a decision, he seemed to agree. He let out a small nod.
My face was really red now. I was starting to sweat. Just thinking of us.. alone.. our faces were close but not CLOSE.. but I could just..
His voice kind of interrupted my desire, but I went on with it.
I walked out, a breeze welcomed me to the outside, taking a huge deep breath, taking in the moment. Soon to be interrupted by the sight of Crafty sitting near the soccer field. Though everyone seems distraught and confused.
I walked over to them
"Oh hey Dogday!"
"What's going on? Is everything alright?"
Hoppy walked over to me, she jumped seeing Catnap behind me. She sighed and continued.
"We can't find Bobby! We looked EVERYWHERE!! She won't just.. disappear!"
I sighed.
"What!? Ok how about this, you guys continue searching for her, look everywhere and make sure to triple check." I let out a sigh
We walked over by the forest near Home Sweet Home, Catnap was seated on the porch and just staring at Crafty. His head turned where ever she went. She looked very scared. I ignored it, not wanting to be here

I stalked the two plush animals. Heading towards the forest, the sat down underneath a tall oak tree. Artificial light would seep through the gaps between the leaves of the oak. Crafty started yapping about random things while Dogday just sat there and smiled awkwardly, starting to sweat and feel uncomfortable. After a few minutes (I'm tired) Crafty started pushing boundaries, holding his hand and patting his thighs without consent. I started getting annoyed. Then she started moving her face closer to Dogday's. That's it..

I started fiddling with my pendant rapidly, eager for Catnap to interrupt Crafty's intentions. She paused seeing Catnap standing in front of us and smiling. Phew! Crafty had that look again. A mix of worry annoyance and disgust.
I quickly got up and hugged the purple plush with relief. I could tell he was death staring her. Until the moment ended with the others rushing towards us. Looking horrified. Traumatised even. Most had tears in their eyes and some had a feeling of disgust and terror. Mixed feelings were thrown across the faces of the critters.
"We found..Bobby.."
Bubba finally let out.
"More of what's left of her.."
Chikin said with a face of disgust.
I pleaded.
Catnap was the only one smiling here. His same amazing expression that everyone else found.. 'scary'. He calmed me down a bit.
"Why are you so happy Catnap!?"
Crafty Trottes over and pouted at him with anger.
"For the Prototype to save us"
She just stood there with that face again.
We ran over to old cells of what brought tragic memories of what me and Catnap went through. The first attempts for a Smiling Critter. There we saw the remains of plush and ketchup (y know) splattered across the area.
'THE HOUR OF JOY' was scratched out above her. Disgust and fear was written all over my face.
'The hour of joy..' I though 'where have I heard that?'

I looked to my left seeing the feline standing there. I hugged him, it was relieving feeling him hug back. The others were concerned, less about Bobby but more about why I was hugging Catnap. We left the case with the embrace of only 7 Smiling Critters left to survive in this Playcare.

The Prototype let the words. THE HOUR OF JOY rerun through my mind. Over an over
Time to eliminate the flower. Find the flower..

⚠︎︎Little warn⚠︎︎
Gore on next chapter

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