Chapter 12: You wouldnt kill him..would you?

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⚠︎︎Murder, thoughts of murder, gore, blood, fluff and angst and some no no words⚠︎︎

The calming scent of vanilla woke me from my slumber, my eyes opened in a daze. My drowsiness disappeared seeing the orange plush turn to face me, slowly awakening.

"Morning sunshine" he looked at me with a raised brow, he started to smile.
I kissed his head lightly as he giggled. I huffed out some gas and closed my eyes and rested my chin on his head, wrapping my tail around the plush. He pulled me in a tight hug and broke the silence.

"Good morning moon light"
"Moon light? Hey I gave you a good one, giving me huge 2017 names" I said jokingly
I pulled my head away to face him, he raised a brow and made a face at the comment.

"Oh hush kitty" he left a kiss on my cheek and left the couch to make breakfast.

"Well someone's hungry hmm?" I laughed. He whipped his head around noticing the constant joking I made. I left the couch and rested on the kitchen stool. I started thinking of me and Dogday's relationship. It had come out of nowhere, I seemed weaker to the Prototype knowing that I left my affection get in the way of what is important, also. We were made for entertainment, not to make out own lives, and to date another guy..

I looked up at the pup knowing that whatever choice the prototype made next about him is what is going to happen. My heart ached of something bad happening. A plate a fresh pancakes was placed in front of me with steam hitting my face.

"Eat up! We're hanging out with the rest of the critters today" you could hear and feel the pain in his voice when he started talking about how most of us have died and that our future could end like that

"Is something on you mind?"

I looked up, his face just said worry. It was easy to forget how caring Dogday can be.

"I'm fine.. just tried I guess.."

We stepped out of my house and I took in the glowing rays of the sun, taking a dead breath as fresh air welcomed me to the new day. Catnap didn't care and just walked out like it was nothing. I stopped in my tracks in the sight of Kidkin in front of me with a very mad face, he was practically on fire by the rage he had toward whatever. He made a face on why me and Catnap were together and spent the night over for a split second, then glared at Catnap.

I suddenly remembered he was supposed to meet him in the forest but I had kept him occupied and tried to make him forget of the deal he made with him.

"Uh..Good morning Kickin! H-how was your sleep?" He looked at me, his rage slowly depleting.

"I need to talk to that thing behind you.."
I hesitated

"Please don't call him tha-"
"Why would you even defend him! I can't believe you actually trust that..thing! What is wrong with you! To believe that you made the right decisions all the time!?"

I could feel tears and I knew Catnap could sense it, he pounced at Kickin, they crashed over the porch stairs and rolled on the grass. My eyes widened. They started fighting each other. This was against our purpose..we were friends..right?
Catnap was able to pin Kickin to the ground and started choking him..
"What? Just gonna k-kill me like e-everyone else huh? Do it!"

TW: murder blood and gore and no no words <3
Catnap's pupils shrunk, every other critters was standing and staring in horror.

"Fuck you heretic.."
Red splattered and covered my vision ..


My paw whipped the substance and I stared at it, my body shaking in terror, I slowly made my way to face Catnap and Kickin. He was violently punching Kickin's face and tearing everything he could. His screams..his screams of shear pain

(HELP LOL 1:27 ✻H+3+ЯД✻*7luCJIo0T6 STARTED PLAYING LOL. this is the best timing❤️😍)

Catnap was pushed off and Kickin turned to his side, coughing concerning amounts of blood, tears swelled his eyes, all of that mixed with his screams of pain. Of terror. My eyes widened the furthest they ever had. I was traumatised, seeing the one I loved killing my friend. I was crushed. I didn't want to believe it..I couldn't believe could this perfect morning start like this.. no..

Catnap got a hold of his legs and dragged them a little and swung him ove his head and slammed him on to the ground


His bones shattered loudly , the other critters were in utter shock and terror. Tears, screams and wide eyes. His pendant was clawed clean off as Catnap dug deep through his chest inside him, Kickin lurched forward and stopped screaming. His heart was held up in front of him, he made him watch his heart getting crushed between Catnap's hands. Kickin fell back down and stopped moving. Stopped breathing.


Catnap stood up and stared at the deceased carcass, smiling. He looked up at me. Still smiling. I froze. I could be next, to prevent any harm I stopped all motion.

(1:27 ✻H+3+ЯД✻*7luCJIo0T6❤️)

I tried to steady my shaky breathing but I was in so much fear, I just..stopped. Gas was flowing from his mouth and flew towards the sky. We just stood and stared at each other. He lifted his leg to walk toward me. My leg went backward. He noticed this, knowing I was terrified.

"Are you scared of me.." my breathing stopped


He stared to walk towards me slowly, I went backward but got trapped as my back hit the front door of my house. This couldn't be can't be the end..

Our faces were inches away from each other and he stopped in front of me. I could tell my face was getting red from this, wrong time. I could tell the other critters had fled to the comfort of their houses trying to forgot or hide from the situation.
He hugged me. I jumped from the contact, still alert of him. He cupped my face and wiped the blood of me with his thumb. That's when I realised. The other day when Kickin threatened him, I had thoughts of telling him off, it soon escalated to murdering him.. he killed him.. for me.


THANK YOU LUNASTARS32!❤️❤️❤️ sorry I couldn't fully turn him into a yandere
Picky was meant to die btw LOL
Anyways BYEEEE❤️❤️🛵🛵😇

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