Chapter 2: feelings

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I let go and pushed his arms off and turned to the other side. But for some reason, it felt wrong. I felt like I wanted to go back into the position. Something felt wrong now. It's not about Dogday. I don't feel normal, as if I need to..
"Morning! How was your sleep?l
The thought was snapped out of my mind.
I rubbed my eyes and looked back at the stuffed toy, with the biggest smile.
I felt a dark presence spread within me. It wasn't something I've ever felt. Just then, Poppy gas started to leak out of my mouth.
"Dogday..get out of here now, trust me it wouldn't be safe for you to stay"
I saw horror fill his face as the gas fogged around me. He got up and a boom filled the room.


I didn't understand these feelings. I got all jumpy and excited when Catnap was around, but this morning he didn't feel right. I feel bad for him. We don't talk about the gas but sometimes I want to help, he won't let me. The other Smiling Critters ran up to me, witnessing the panic painted on my face.
"Dogday are you ok?"
"Yea.. as bright as ever.."
I didn't tell them, it would make situations worse. I just wanted to see Catnap again! The others get bad vibes from him. Yeah he might sometimes just stand there and smile with tiny pupils, but come on! He's so fluffy and a-
"Hey are you alright? You dozed off for a minute"
A hoof patted my shoulder, with a warm presence. Crafty Corn
"Oh! Uh sorry. I was just thinking about- uhm flowers..?"
She smiled and skipped of into a green meadow.

I knocked on Catnaps door, eager for a response. The door slowly creaked open by itself, revealing a purple figure. Standing there, menacingly. With a wide smile, disheveled fur and small white pupils. They felt as if they were piercing right through my soul. Poppy gas escaped through the door as I covered my mouth and ran to Catnap. I hugged him, I was scared.

It all just went away. I felt a warm and calm mood replace the bloodthirsty tone. I snapped out of it, seeing Dogday hugging me.he looked up, tears filled his eyes. It happened again. I hugged him back, hoping for his whimpers to vanish and to never come back. I felt actually happy, I didn't want this moment to end. Did I really start to gain feelings for this pup?

Mhm some angst hhhhh
Anyways very short I'm sorry 😭
Suggestions anyone?

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