Chapter 20: Dogday Alone

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Title reference!!1!1😨😨 (ifykyk)

The whole thing will be Dogdays pov


The pain numbed. I assumed it was getting worse since it hasn't been treated in a day and it was one of the worst injuries that happened to me. Suddenly a shot of pain coursed through the dying veins below as a Smiling Critter plush had brushed against it. A Catnap plush. I winced painfully as tears ran uncontrollably down my cheeks and collapsing to the floor with the Critter watching my torture, mocking me for my recent punishment.

I cringed at the pain and started to gain control of my breathing since it was effected during the pain, I sighed. I looked up slowly to see the plush had disappeared into the dark shadows descending into a never ending nightmare of toys and children, a horrible experience I had to go through in my early years.

I had forgotten most when I had been formed into this stuffed body of a beloved animal. I'm supposed to lead my friends and help them..

I failed...

Tears formed quickly at the sudden realisation as I ducked my head down in shame and let my body hang in the bindings. I hoped he would return and help me. To heal my wounds and try to forget this ever happened. It's too late.

He will come back..right?.. No... He has to. Please come back my love. For me.. I am dying.. I need to save the others..


I waited days hoping Catnap would come back to help me. Days. Weeks. Months passed and the pain started to numb over time. Years. Where is he? Please...Come back please.. I cried out in tears sobbing erratically losing hope that is ever escape this cell. That I would have a chance. I kept yelping out my pain and tears formed a small puddle bellow me as plushies of my friends and me had gathered around to watch me suffer.

They gathered in a semi-circle around me as they continued to stare with their soulless eyes. So plain and bare with no current emotion, no exact drive or purpose. Though one purpose that they'd abandoned for the sweet taste of lies they had been fed.

I struggled to lift my head but kept pushing to see two bright pupils enter my view. He's back! Please don't leave me again! Help me!


He replied with a heavy groan as he approached closer to my decaying body. A awkwardness stare had come between us. I get it, he did sort of betray me and leave me for his so called 'freedom'. Even if it were true, he shouldn't be here right now, none of the toys should be! They never got their freedom!

They never got their freedom.

"P-Please..Catnap..Help m-me!"
He started at me not moving a muscle, only shifting slightly uncoordinated because of his structure. I pleaded with my eyes , tears forming quickly seeing what the thing I loved most had become.

"Listen to me..P-please.."
I struggled to speak to the feline from my torturous punishment and ever lasting pain.

"That t-thing promised..You freedom- if it was t-telling the..truth you'd be f-free by- by now... Wouldn't you.."

His pupils darted downward as they vibrates violently in his eyes, I sensed his disbelief and rage, mixed with the want to not believe. He slowly turned to walk away, I yelped at him in protest.

"Catnap! Please let me go! Haven't I suffered enough!? You took all of my friends lives away from me! Then you trust this..this thing that has only promised you LIES! HE TOOK MY LEGS FOR HEAVENS SAKE CATNAP! OPEN YOUR EYES!"

He raced forward, pinning me against the wall the defend the prototype. He huffed furiously as he backed away quickly filled with regret.

So sorry to cliffhang y'all like that but it's hard to write about these guys still since the fandom seems kinda dead and I haven't written for a while and I have been getting interested in other stuff. If you guys still want more chapters I will give more but updates may be slow let unfortunately😭


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