Chapter 15: Scared

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Henlo gummy worms :> how's life been🩷
Anyways enjoy this confusing and yet wholesome chapter 🫶

I woke up in a daze failing to regain my memory and consciousness. I groaned while attempting to get up as my head spun.
I looked down at my paw and placed it on my forehead.
"Aw man..What happened last night..?"

"You mean you don't remember? You practically begged for it and now you act like it never happened?"

I sighed and rested back down under the warmth of the covers still getting unwanted bad vibes from the feline. I turned to my side comfortably as shivers were sent down my spine feeling his fingers dance around my spine trading my figure. I huffed in silence as I felt him shuffle through the covers closer toward me.

I felt his hot breath by the crook of my neck as I shivered in satisfaction and annoyance. His tail wrapped around my waist as he pulled an arm over my body and gripping at my wrist. He nuzzled into my neck as a slight sigh escaped my lips feeling my face turn red from his touch. Pulling my wrist higher and up to my vision the silence was broken.

"Someone sure looks sleepy? Why are you ignoring me pup?" I knew he could feel my eyes dart at him in disbelieve as he chuckled into my neck. A tingle went up me feeling his breath seductively against my neck.

"Find a way to bring my friends back" I pulled away from him feeling fear enter my soul as his paw left mine. A hint of regret hit me feeling his warmth escape me. I wanted to love him but.. The things he did stopped my from fully falling for him.

Horror passed my body feeling him whisper in my ear.
"Oh? You never seemed to care for them did you? You only wanted me" he traced another paw up my shoulder and down to my waist feeling my figure against his paw making him smirk.

"What is so different now pup? Why so blue. I'm all you ever wanted"
A slight whimper replied to his whispers as my blush became more vigorous radiating onto his plush body. I shivered as his hand left my side and hugged me from behind as I struggled to escape his embrace. I let out a groan as I squirmed in his grasp attempting to pull us apart.

"Back then yeah! Because you were lonely and I loved you! Didn't mean you had to kill them Catnap! I still cared for them! And you took that friendship away from me..forever"

"So you don't love me anymore"
"I don't even know anymore Catnap.."

I whimpered during that sentence and he hissed lightly at my sudden outburst and pulled my closer in apology

I felt a tear rise into my eyes to the memory of my past friendships with the rest of the critters still not knowing if Bubba and Picky were still alive. I huffed and thought of trying to meet them as hope came back to me. All I had to do was wait for him to fall asleep.

His light snores made me smile lightly remembering how he used to be. I sighed and left his calming embrace and searched for my friends. It was still early in the morning as two critters sat with their knees to their heads and large frowns. A pink plush looked up with wide eyes and a smile started to slowly rise.

"Dogday!" She ran up and hugged her
"You guys are alive!? Oh my goodness I missed you guys so much!"

Bubba joined us in a happy reunion as we started to sit and catch up.

"What happened and how did you survive? We saw Catnap come up to you but I didn't want to look since I thought he might have hurt you."

My eyes brows played a slight irritated but worried expression as I looked to the ground. "I need to tell you guys something..."
The toys looked up eagerly to hear my statement.

"I'm only telling you guys since I was too embarrassed and upset to tell anyone else. But... I.. I'm in love with Catnap.."

The shock in their faces were the only criticism I needed from them as I continued. "We're currently in a relationship together but I'm starting to get upset at him because of his actions..But, you shouldn't be scared of your partner should you? Argh! I wish Bobby were here she'd know.."

"I feel stupid for loving him but I can't let him go. I just love him too much to leave"
Picky looked at the ground as she thought of what to say and Bubba cleared his throat joining her.

"I knew we never trusted him but I think you two really fit each other. Like... Opposites a-attract..?"
Her attempts of her trying to accept me warmed my heart as Bubba placed a hood on my shoulder and a brought my knees to my face letting my self smile cheerfully.

"I should get back to him. He'll wake up any moment, cya guys! I'll miss you and I'll try to visit as much as possible"
We came into a tight hug and I left to the house again to find Catnap slumped over the couch snoring hugging a plush of me tightly to his chest and wrapped his tail against it.

A note was beside him and I picked it up curiously.

Dear Dogday

Have a good reunion with them. Sorry for killing the others :(
Not going to lie it was enjoyable

From Catnap

My heart warmed as I placed the note back down and placed a peck on his forehead and sat beside the sleeping plush. Still vigilant of him.

I woke up the next morning with a missing feline, I searched the house for him but he seemed to be outside. I opened the door to see him I front of the door midknock with a surprised look and Bubba and Picky behind him smiling. I got jumpy from seeing him and I gave a worried expression.

"Happy birthday..Dogday"
His voice turned to normal as he stepped aside revealing a green plush standing in front of me.

I really liked this chapter exploring his feelings to catnap :>

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