Chapter 5: Welcome Home

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This chapter will include gore, mild fluff a very light angst.
If you are uncomfortable with these topics, I suggest clicking off this chapter. Thanks!

The door howled as it swung open and taking a step into the home. Without a sound, I searched for the guilty plush. Her fate was sealed. Calm humming greeted the quite ambience. She was drawing in her room, seemed to be a drawing of Dogday. That'll be the last time she sees anything similar to him.

✿- (Crafty's POV)
Perfection! The crayon lightly drifted along the page, finishing the work. I sighed. He's soo dreamy. I saw red from the corner of my eye as my head sifted to were it was coming from. My eyes widened as a purple figure standing there with a wide smile. Poppy has was filling the room as Catnaps breathing embraced my ears.
I felt my eyelids getting weak as I gasped, collapsing on my bed.

The following paragraph will consist of gore. 🥀🥀🥀will be at the end of the gore.

I was in a dark room by myself. Somewhere deep in Home Sweet Home. A tv was present showing static. Some poppy gas traveled across the room making me dizzy. My eyes darted to a horrific sight. The remains of Bobby.
my heart was beating rapidly with fear embracing me. I noticed something grab onto the tv. A VHS slowly entered a slot in the TV. Playing a log made from one of the scientists. The voice haunted me. A hand was present in the screen. Made from metal and bone.
"Greeting employees and welcome to your first day here in Playtime.Co. We're certain that in the days to come, you'll find your new family here every bit as loving and supportive as your own. Feel free to wander the halls! Sit in the mess for lunch or watch our children play and learn to their little hearts content"

The hand became more visible as the tape went on.

"Join the innovation where the bounds of science are constantly pushed or join the counselors of Play care whose diligence and care for our children will shape a brighter future. Just you see now, every one of you has your part in that future so you should come back tomorrow feeling unhappy for where you are or what you've done. Worry not for you supervisor is here and happy to listen. And.."

His voice changed to a deeper and sinister voice. Making my heart beat fast again..

"Should you come back.. years later.. Your conscience finally getting the batter of you..May you descend into the dark and the dust, finding all awaits you are incomprehensible horrors.. each hungry for your return, each eager that they might find you. Perhaps they'd smile at you from a shadow. They're smiling mouths full of teeth and meats and plastic..watching and waiting patiently for their turn at a warm welcome.. or perhaps they won't allow you such time to figure your place in the world you left.. a world that's.. theirs now.."

A eary silence came as he paused. Adding to the terror in me.
"Welcome Home"

My heart was about to burst out my chest. My eyes widened so much hearing those words and seeing huge claws come from behind the TV. Revealing a skinny creature. Catnap. The grabbed my neck and slammed me roughly against the hard wooden wall. He grabbed my arm and ripped it clean off. I screamed letting out tears of pain and fear. My legs kicking. Hoping that I can survive this. Hoping that this was just a nightmare. Blood traveled down the wall as he slit open my stomach. Pain embraced me and my screams filled the void this room had.

I could feel my organs shifting as if they were about to fall out, while trickling blood filled the silence. Aswell as Catnaps heavy breathing that sent chills down my spine and TV static. His paw launched a ripped right through my body. As organs were crushed and turned to mush, collapsing to the floor. He had my flower pendant in his paw as he pulled it out through my stomach. I couldn't scream. I was too scared. Everything went dark as he shoved the pendent in my forehead.


I grabbed the body of the unicorn and nailed her next to Bobby. I knelt down on my knees. Worshiping it. For the Prototype.

Sorry this is short and just mostly gore. I had to end quickly but I hoped you enjoyed otherwise

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