Chapter 8: Embrace

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Heeyyy anyways.
Feeling good y'all so enjoy this chapter 🫶🤫🧏‍♀️
(Mild angst anndd heavy fluff 😧)

My eyes slowly slid open, feeling a welcoming vibration coming from in front of me. My vision was purple, I looked up seeing Catnap fast asleep and purring. I sat up and stretched and released a loud yawn from inside. I noticed the purring stoped so I looked over to see Catnap. Instead of him sleeping as soon as I turned my head, his menacing eyes and wide smile stopped me.
"GAH! Oh phew!.."
I paused
"You scared me there Catnap"

My tail was wagging hard against the bed, it was kind of one of those moments when you need to just stop and stare. But.. in a good way! I never knew I loved Catnap this much but.. sometimes all I needed was a five minute stare from him to make my day complete. The moment was ruined by a mass of screaming outside. It sent shivers down my spine.

Me and Catnap walked out the house seeing a mix of colours around a tall tree. Some fainted, some stood there and just stared at it, some ran and screamed and others puked. But Kickin fell on his knees, and eventually took his view off of what everyone was afraid of, you could see the tears fall onto the ground, with his loud sobs as our only response.

I ran over to the commotion to see another terror. The rest of Hoppy was nailed to the tall oak, showing off the crime the murderer had done. My eyes widened as far as ever. I rested my hand over Kickins wing until his fist opened to reveal Hoppy's pendant. A few seconds passed until he clenched it in his feathers hard. He stood up as anger was replaced with anger and rage.
He turned around quickly. His pupils shrunk and his eyebrow narrowed and a feather directed at Catnap.
He stood there and smiled.
"why would you do this to her..."
Tears filled his eyes as his voice calmed down, I was gonna backup Catnap until he started laughing with a deep demonic voice. Everyone else's faces was in shock and terror. Why was he laughing? I could already feel it being thought in their minds. I didn't want to believe it.

Catnap let out of sigh of poppy gas. Until his voice changed into a raspy and dry one. One that would send shivers down your spine.
Everything was red and everyone was screaming. The gas filled the whole playcare.

Until everything went black..

I woke up, my head was spinning and it ached badly. I was in my room, but everything wasn't playful and sunny days like it once was. Ever since the first death of the critters, it's been..darker. Empty even. Everyone basically lost sight of what to do. I stepped out of the room and wandered the halls to the exit. A whisp of gas floated away as the door slowly swung open. Everyone was still asleep from the gas. I sighed in relief that they were ok. I went searching for Catnap while hoping that this was just a bad dream. That I would wake up to him with me. Holding him, keeping him close. Without another worry in the world.


The name echoed silently through the area. I walked across the fields curious to see where the feline was, until two white dots appeared in front of me. I gasped as my heart rate quickened in fear. The creature stepped out of the dark, Catnap. I smiled widely and rushed over to him, jumping into his soft body with a welcoming embrace. My Tears fell as the plush hugged back.
After a minute I pulled away, I held his shoulder and he held my hips, he placed a paw on my cheek. I kissed him shortly, though he seemed to think otherwise.

He pulled me in for another kiss, a deeper one. I could feel his tongue slide in with mine as the organs chased each other in our mouths. Catnap would place his paws wherever, exploring my body. We both collapsed to the ground. My legs were spread and Catnap was in between me, continuing our make out session.
Our lips detached and we gasped for air. We were panting of satisfaction and relief.
"C-Catnap... I-I.."
He ran his paw down my chest and the other caressed my thigh. He grabbed my pendant and pulled me in.
He looked at me, waiting for me to continue me sentence.
He seemed to get distracted and put his finger in my mouth, getting a grasp of my tongue. He was making a 'cat got your tongue' joke. I knew since his eyebrows would rise and fall multiple times.
He took it out and patted my ears.

He kissed my again and stood up again. A released a loud exhale a poppy gas.
Everything was Black again.

I woke up a few minutes later in my bed, with Catnap in front of me.

Sorry to end so soon💔
Smut in next chapter

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