Chapter 8: The Reveal

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Jordyn's POV:

Everything was blurry. Then, I woke up to see that I was in a hospital bed. In front of me were all the boys and Mahogany. I was confused and didn't know what was going on. Then, I remembered. They were the ones that hurt me. The ones that made me suicidal.
"Jay, you're awake!" Cameron said.
He was about to come close to me.
"Please don't hurt me" I said covering myself.
He looked confused.
"What do you mean? Why would I hurt you?" he asked nervously.
"You don't remember do you? All of you don't remember?!" I screamed, "You @$$holes were the one that made me hate myself. You've hurt me for years and I became something I never wanted to be. You wanted me to cut, I tried. You wanted me to leave, I tried. You wanted me to kill myself, can't you see I'm trying?! Now you're saying you don't remember me?! It's me, Jordyn! The one that tries really hard to be gone!" I said crying so loud and hitting the bed.
"J-Jordyn? Sh*t, I'm so s-sorry I-I didn't know it w-was you" he said while crying.
I didn't care anymore. All of my pain came back. Let him cry. Behind him were the others. Taylor sat on the floor with his knees over his face. I couldn't see him like this. He was the one that mostly didn't want to hurt me. I told all of them to leave besides Taylor and Mahogany. It was silent for a moment.
"So how long did I pass out?" I asked Mahogany.
She looked down.
"About 3 weeks" she said, "the cuts on your wrists were deep. You lost so much blood that you almost didn't make it. Luckily, you had a blood donor."
"Who?" I asked.
Taylor stood up and showed me a huge bandage that covered his arm. It was Taylor.
"Why?" I asked.
"You and I had the same blood type no one else had. I would've done this for you anyways." He said.
"Yeah and he was in a coma for a week too" Mahogany said.
This is why I loved Taylor. He was sweet, gentle, and caring. I thanked him and hugged him. We were about to kiss until Matt barged in.
"Jordyn, it's your sister and mom waiting for you in the hall." He said.
Taylor and Mahogany left the room and I chatted with Lauren and my mom for a while. They cried, kissed my forehead, and told me they loved me. My mom signed my papers so I can leave the hospital and they left. We all returned to the hotel silently. I walked in my room and the boys wanted to talk. They said their sorry's but I looked away. I can't believe they'd think I can forgive them that fast.
"You think I can just forgive you guys after years of putting me through pain? In reality, it's not like that. I need some time to think about this before I forgive you." I said.
They nodded and left the room. It was late so I got ready for bed. Mahogany and Taylor was asleep and I just stared at the ceiling until my eyes grew heavy. I was asleep.
Sometimes during lunch, I would hide in the music room. That's the only way I can calm myself. I played the piano and sang "Not About Angels" by Birdy. (A/N it's above the chapter name. Play it on this part only.) After the song, Cameron came in and told me I sung and played really bad. I looked at his eyes and it looked like he was crying. He called in the other guys and they beat me up.
"Don't ever play a song or sing like that ever again you hear me?!" He said.
He punched my face. Then, Shawn kicked my stomach. They all left and I lied there alone nobody to help me.
End Of Dream**
I woke up breathing heavily. Taylor saw me.
"Are you okay?" He asked concerned.
"No. I had a bad dream about the bullying." I said while crying.
He motioned me to come over to his bed. I walked  over to his bed and he pulled the blanket on top of me. He held me tightly and I felt safe in his arms. With that, I slept peacefully with Taylor kissing my forehead.

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