Chapter 2: Death Would Be Good Right Now

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I knew who that voice was from, Cameron. The leader of the group. I just ignored them and shook it off.
"HEY ARE YOU DEAF?!? LISTEN TO ME WHILE IM TALKING TO YOU B*TCH!!" he said ten times louder.
As soon as they parked, they got out, dragged me behind the school, and pushed me. Another daily beating like always. Nash and Matthew held me down while Carter punched me in the gut. After him was Jack G. and he kicked my left rib. Aaron and Jack J. both punched me in the stomach as hard as they could. Sh*t that hurt. Taylor and Shawn just stood there not wanting to hurt me. It got me feeling confused. Then, Cameron slapped me and said "Next time, you answer while I'm talking to you. See what you put yourself through? Don't worry though. It'll hurt next time.", and with that, he spat on the concrete next to me. I tried picking myself up. I winced in pain and dragged my broken leg along. I still had a couple more minutes till class started. I went to my locker and put my stuff in. Suddenly, somebody slammed the locker door and jammed my fingers.
"OW WHAT THE F*CK" I said in pain.
I turned to see that it was Nash. He laughed along with Matthew and Carter and headed to class. I ran to the girls bathroom and I brought something with me that I would always carry in my pocket. My good old friend, Mr. Razor. I looked at myself in the mirror and to my wrist. There was nothing else I could do but cut. Cut, cut, cut. The only thing to relieve my pain. And so, I cut at least 9 times on my left wrist for the 9 guys that made my life a living hell. And on the right for not being good enough, pretty enough, skinny enough and one more for being alive. I felt dizzy but that didn't stop me from washing the blood off and walking towards class. And to my luck (sarcasm) I had all of my classes with all of the guys. When I got to class, I sat all the way in the front since there were no more seats left. The main b*tch at school threw a crumbled piece of paper on my lap. I opened it to see it read "UGLY FAT SLUTTY LOOKING COW". I turned to her to see her laughing and high-fiving Cameron. After about 3 classes of misery, it was lunch. I sat and ate alone like always until somebody grabbed my arm and pulled me out of the cafeteria. It was Taylor. He mouthed "I'm sorry" and Shawn was next to him looking guilty. Once we were out of the cafeteria, I knew what was going to happen. Of course, another beating. Same thing happened over and over again. When they left, I sat up crying with my knees pulled over my head.
"Why didn't I kill myself already? If I did, I know they'd be happy. I'm never happy here. I'm f*cking done with life." I said whispering.
I looked up to see someone standing in front of me just to see that it was..

A/N: Hey guys! Kristine here <3. How are you guys liking my story so far? There's a cliff hanger. Ooh. Can you guess who it was? Was it one of the boys? Hmm, idk. Read further to find out ;)

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