1. A new Beginning

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POV Elise

My eyes slowly opened as the first rays of morning light streamed into the room. A warm sensation spread through my body as I realized where I was. Beside me lay Bill, still deep in peaceful slumber after a night that surpassed my wildest dreams. Fatigue hadn't touched us, but it hadn't been necessary.
I slid out of bed carefully, the sheets wrapped around me, and slipped out of the room. The wooden floor felt cool beneath my feet as I made my way to the kitchen. There I stood, with a mix of contentment and excitement, staring at the coffee maker as if it held the key to my peace of mind. The sound of grinding beans filled the silence as I poured myself a cup of coffee.
With the warm mug clutched between my hands, I walked to the giant window overlooking the awakening city of Berlin. The sun cast its golden glow over the buildings and streets slowly coming to life. A feeling of wonder and gratitude filled me as I observed the city, which, like me, was embarking on a new chapter.
A soft click behind me made me turn around, and there stood Tom, followed by a girl with flowing blonde locks. Her eyes met mine as she greeted me kindly. "Good morning. You had a good night too, I suppose?" She took a seat at the kitchen table, and I sat down beside her.
I looked at Tom, who was enjoying the scene. "Elise, this is uhhhh," chuckled Tom, trying to remember her name.
"Kelly," the girl supplied her own name, a slight blush gracing her cheeks.
"Hey Kelly, coffee?" I offered, but she shook her head with a smile. "No, I should get going," she replied. With a kiss on Tom's cheek, she bid farewell and left the apartment.
Tom sat down next to me with a wide grin. "Had a good night too?" I teased him with a playful look. But before I could answer, Bill entered the kitchen, his hair tousled but his eyes radiant.

Tom laughed, greeting him with an informal "Morning, Sex Machine" when he saw his twin brother. "Tom," Bill responded sternly. "Well, you couldn't exactly miss it," remarked Tom, nudging me playfully.
Bill went to the coffee maker and started filling cups, one for himself and one for Tom. The aroma of fresh coffee filled the kitchen, mingled with the remnants of the night still lingering in the air.
As Bill poured his coffee, Tom inquired about our plans for the day. Meanwhile, Bill sat down directly opposite me and looked at me intently. "Hmm," he said with a mischievous smile, "I'd like to spend the whole day in bed with you." His eyes sparkled, and I felt a gentle blush color my cheeks.
"Oh god," Tom began laughing, "haven't you two had enough last night?" He made a teasing face. "I never get enough of you," I retorted, and Tom playfully stuck his tongue out at me before turning to Bill.
"Bill," Tom began seriously, "maybe you should talk to Alissa. She doesn't deserve to be treated like this." My curiosity was piqued, and I looked questioningly at the twins, curious about what had transpired between them and Alissa.

We hadn't had the opportunity to discuss this topic the previous night, but Bill took the initiative when he noticed the questioning look in my eyes. "Alissa was my girlfriend," he began, his voice a whisper in the morning stillness. His eyes were fixed on the table, as if he couldn't gather the courage to look me straight in the eye. "The other Elise told me she couldn't switch to your world anymore, so I decided to give Alissa a chance."
Tom added with a sarcastic tone, "He cheated on her with the other Elise." Immediately, Tom was interrupted by a concerned look from Bill. "I was... I was drunk," Bill apologized, his eyes finally meeting mine. In that gaze, I saw regret and a hint of sadness.
Tom took over again, as if he had a grim revelation. "Oh yeah, it gets better. Alissa and Elise are best friends. That's why all the drama yesterday." The news hit me like a ton of bricks. A knot of guilt tightened in my stomach. I felt like I had deeply hurt an innocent person.
A knot of confusion and sadness formed in my stomach as I tried to comprehend what had happened. Bill saw my inner struggle and stood up. His hand found mine, a gesture of comfort and connection. "Elise," he whispered softly, "it's always been you in my head." He leaned in towards me, and his lips found mine in a gentle kiss.

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