49. Helping Bas

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POV Elise

As I walked through the aisles of the supermarket, I felt the cool breeze of the air conditioning caressing my skin and heard the soft sound of clinking shopping carts around me. My eyes wandered over the variety of products adorning the shelves: crisp vegetables, juicy fruits, and colorful packaging of different foods. A smile curled on my lips as I placed a few fresh vegetables into my shopping cart, unable to help but think about how important it was to eat healthily from time to time.
Simone would be proud of me, I thought, selecting a ripe avocado. She would have been pleased to see that I was making an effort to take care of myself and her sons, instead of always ordering pizza. I knew she had always hoped that her boys would develop healthier eating habits, and I felt her presence like a gentle push in the right direction as I pushed my cart forward.
Suddenly, the sound of my ringing phone broke the tranquil atmosphere of the supermarket. I reached into my handbag and pulled out my phone, seeing that it was Bas calling. With a slight furrow on my brow, I answered and held the phone somewhat awkwardly to my ear as I tried to place the oranges into my cart.
"Hey Bas," I greeted him with a smile, struggling to hold the phone securely. "What's up?"
"I was wondering what you're up to today," Bas' voice sounded on the other end of the line, and I could hear the curiosity in his tone.
I let out a sigh of contemplation as I continued pushing my cart through the aisles. "I'm just grocery shopping," I replied to him. "But I was thinking of coming over to your apartment afterward."
There was a silence on the other end of the line, and I wondered what was going through Bas' mind. Would he be happy with my suggestion? Or perhaps he found it too intrusive?

Bas' enthusiastic response filled me with a warm feeling of joy. "I thought you'd never ask," he teased, his voice lively and cheerful on the other end of the line. His words brought a smile to my face as I continued pushing my cart through the aisles.
With a soft laugh, I replied, "Well, you know what they say, better late than never." It was nice to know that Bas was excited about my visit, and I felt relieved that he had called me.
I hung up the phone and put my cell back in my handbag before heading to the checkout counter. As I placed my groceries on the conveyor belt, I let my mind wander to my life in the other world. Memories of the food bank flashed through my mind, and I felt a wave of gratitude wash over me. The food bank had always helped us survive, even during the toughest times.
But now I was here, in this world, and I felt fortunate that I could simply buy what I wanted. I smiled as I pulled out my bank card and placed it on the card reader to pay. It felt liberating to be able to pay for my own groceries, to be able to decide for myself what I wanted to eat and cook.
As I packed up my groceries, I felt a deep gratitude for the simple pleasures of life. It might have been just a simple trip to the supermarket, but for me, it meant so much more. It was a reminder of how far I had come and how much luck I had now. With a smile on my face, I left the store.

When I arrived at Bas' studio, I was greeted by the familiar sound of music flowing from the open door. Bas was already waiting, a wide smile on his face. "What's up, couldn't you miss me?" I teased him as I walked in. His laughter was infectious as he hugged me, and I immediately felt at ease.
Once inside, Bas gave me a hug as if we hadn't seen each other for months. "Come here, little one, I almost called child focus during the week," he said with a warm smile.
"You're way too melodramatic," I chuckled as I took off my coat. "What's going on?"
Bas looked at me mischievously. "Actually, I need your help," he confessed, a mysterious glint in his eyes.
I raised my eyebrows curiously. "Oh? And why is that?" I asked, wondering what scheme he had come up with this time.
He led me to the kitchen, where a few ingredients were laid out on the counter. "I have a date tonight, and he's coming over for dinner," Bas explained, nervously fiddling with the ingredients. "I bought all sorts of things, but I'm a terrible cook. Can you please help me?"
I couldn't suppress a laugh as I looked at the few ingredients Bas had gathered. There were a few cloves of garlic, a bundle of onions, and an assortment of colorful herbs. These ingredients were lovingly surrounded by bottles of olive oil and tomato sauce. "Of course I'll help you," I replied, my curiosity piqued by the challenge before me.
"What were you planning to make?" I asked as I opened the fridge and examined the peppers, and at the same time began to form a plan in my head.
"Stuffed peppers?" Bas suggested, and I nodded in agreement. "That should work," I said determinedly, as I began to think about the flavors we could combine and how we could transform these ingredients into a delicious meal.

As Bas skillfully sliced the peppers, the kitchen filled with the smell of freshly cut vegetables. I stood at the stove, frying the minced meat as the aromas of herbs and garlic mingled in the air. Bas looked up from his work and asked how I was doing. A smile spread across my lips as I replied, "The twins had another fight this morning. And I gave Tom a piece of my mind."
"Oh," said Bas, as he laid down his knife and focused his attention on me. "Tom probably didn't like that."
I shrugged nonchalantly. "I've let people walk all over me in the past. It's time to stand up for myself," I explained, casting him a look of determination.
"Good for you, Elise," Bas said with an encouraging smile. I winked at him as a sign of gratitude before focusing my attention back on the pan in front of me, where the minced meat was slowly browning.

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