66. A fresh start ?

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With my succulent plant securely tucked under my arm and the papers clutched under my other armpit, I walked through the streets in the radiant sun. The golden glow of the sun rays warmed my skin as I enjoyed the refreshing breeze blowing through the streets. The colorful flowers in the planters along the sidewalk seemed to shine in the bright light, and I took deep breaths of the fresh air, my heart filled with excitement and joy.
My hands were full, but I managed to fish my phone out of my handbag. With nimble fingers, I typed a message to Bill, the words of excitement and happiness dancing on the screen. "Finally got the keys! On my way to my apartment," I typed, my smile widening with each letter I penned.
As I continued walking, I let my eyes wander to the bustling city around me. People hurried past me, cars glided silently by, and somewhere in the distance, the cheerful sounds of street musicians could be heard. The energy of the city was palpable, an exciting mix of activity and liveliness that made my steps lighter.
A breeze played with my hair as I moved forward, my thoughts filled with the new phase ahead of me. The idea of my own apartment, my own place where I could be myself, filled me with a sense of pride and satisfaction. I felt ready for this new step, confident and enthusiastic about what the future would bring.
I couldn't help but smile as I continued on my way. The realization that I had achieved all this filled me with deep gratitude. In my previous life, I could only dream of having my own place, but now it had become a reality. My heart swelled with pride at the thought of my mother, and I felt a pang of sadness that she couldn't experience this. But somewhere, I knew she would have been incredibly proud of me if she had known that I could rent my own apartment with the money I earned.
With every step I took, I felt her presence in my heart, her support and love constantly accompanying me on my journey. And although I missed her physically, I knew she would always be with me, my greatest supporter and source of inspiration.
It wasn't long before my phone buzzed, a message from Bill that made my heart skip a beat. "Congratulations, see you soon Babe x," I read with mixed feelings. While his congratulations made me feel warm inside, the word 'Babe' also stirred a feeling of discomfort in me.
A sigh of frustration escaped my lips as I read the message. Ugh, I thought irritably to myself. We really needed to talk about the word 'Babe'. But for now, I chose not to let the positive mood be spoiled by this small detail.
With a sigh, I closed my eyes and focused my gaze again on the streets ahead of me. However, I refused to give in to the slight annoyance that surged through me. Today was a day of celebration, a day of new opportunities and adventures. I chose to focus on the positive, on the joy that this moment brought.

With my heart filled with joy and triumph, I finally arrived at my new apartment building. The building stood majestically before me, its brick walls glistening in the sunlight.
With a tingling of excitement, I took the key out of my bag, the small piece of metal that would grant access to my own piece of heaven on earth. I paused for a moment in front of the front door, my hand trembling with emotion as I inserted the key into the lock. With a click, the door opened for the first time, its hinges creaking from prolonged disuse.
Once on my floor, I paused in front of my door, my heart pounding in my chest. This was the moment I had been waiting for, the moment my dreams would come true. With a sigh of excitement, I inserted the key into the lock and turned it, the door slowly creaking open as I held my breath.

As I walked further inside, I suddenly heard Bill yell, "Surprise!" I stopped abruptly, surprised by his voice. My heart skipped a beat as I saw him standing in the living room, with a heart-shaped balloon in one hand and a bottle of champagne in the other. A warm feeling of love and happiness washed over me, but was quickly overshadowed by confusion when I saw the documents on the table. With a doubtful look, I looked at Bill as he opened his arms invitingly for a hug.
"Aren't you going to hug your landlord?" he said with a playful undertone. But before I could respond, his words sunk in, and I felt a wave of disbelief wash over me.
"Did you buy this apartment?" I asked, my voice trembling with emotion. Bill nodded enthusiastically. "For you, my dearest, surprise!" he said with a radiant smile.
A mix of emotions overwhelmed me as I realized what was happening. As I tried to process my feelings, I felt anger slowly bubbling up inside me. "You've got to be kidding me?" I exclaimed, my voice filled with frustration.
"Aren't you happy?" asked Bill, his voice filled with uncertainty as he watched my reaction.
"Happy?" I shouted, my voice tinged with emotion. "Bill, damn it, I said I wanted an apartment. Why did you buy this one?"
A frown appeared on Bill's face, his surprise slowly turning into irritation. "Can you be a little less ungrateful?" he said, his voice sounding accusatory.
"Because I didn't want you to buy this apartment either!" I cried, my voice trembling with emotion. "You know what? Deal with this apartment on your own." With an angry gesture, I turned around and left the room, without looking back at Bill's bewildered expression.

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