43. Bedroom Cinema

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POV Bill

The evening had settled in, and tranquility slowly returned to the apartment. Andreas had gone home, and Tom had crawled back into his own bed, likely to sleep off his hangover. Elise and I had retreated to the bedroom, where we were preparing for a cozy movie night under the covers.
As I busied myself with preparing the bedroom for our movie night, Elise interrupted my activities with her question: "Have you happened to see that popcorn machine in the kitchen?"
I looked up and smiled at her remark. "Are you thinking what I'm thinking?" I teased her with a wink. Her laughter filled the room as she headed to the kitchen to make the popcorn.

While Elise was busy in the kitchen making popcorn, I took the opportunity to transform the bedroom into a snug and cozy space for our movie night. With thoughtful movements, I began to draw the curtains closed, shutting out the soft light from the street lamps outside and creating an intimate atmosphere. The soft fabric fell smoothly across the windows, enveloping the room in a gentle twilight.
Next, I turned my attention to the lighting. I lit some candles and placed them strategically on nightstands and dressers around the bed. The warm, flickering light they emitted created a soothing ambiance, while the subtle scent of vanilla slowly began to spread, filling the room with a comforting fragrance.
With a soft smile, I arranged the pillows on the bed, making them inviting to sink into and relax. I knew Elise would appreciate this gesture; there was something magical about the way a carefully made bed could exude a sense of comfort and security.
With a sigh of relief, I slipped off my pants, ready to put on something more comfortable for the evening. My hand slid into my pocket and felt the paper card Julie had given me earlier. A smile played on my lips as I retrieved the card. Julie could certainly expect a call from me, I thought to myself. I grabbed my phone from the nightstand and added her number to my contacts before casually tossing the card into the trash.
At that moment, Elise re-entered the room with a large bowl of popcorn in her hands. The smell of freshly popped popcorn filled the room and brought a smile to my face. She looked radiant, her eyes sparkling with excitement for the movie night ahead. Her eyes scanned the room, and I noticed a smile on her face as she looked around.
"Wow, you've made the bedroom so romantic," she remarked, her voice warm and full of admiration as she looked at the candles and soft lighting filling the room. The compliment made me smile, and I reached out to her, inviting her to sit beside me on the bed.
"Ready for a cozy evening?" she asked with a wide smile as she placed the bowl of popcorn on the nightstand.
"Always," I replied with a warm smile. Elise smiled and picked up the remote control from the nightstand. She scrolled through the selection of movies on the screen as I grabbed the bowl of popcorn and leaned back against the pillows on the bed.

As Elise scrolled through the selection of movies on the screen, my eye caught the title "Twilight." I remembered that this movie had been a huge hype, with many people talking about it. A movie about vampires and romance sounded like an interesting choice for our movie night.
"Hey, how about Twilight?" I asked, pointing to the title on the screen. "I've heard it's a great movie, and I'm curious."
Elise looked up from the screen and started laughing. "Twilight? Seriously?" she said with a smile. "It happens to be one of the most popular movies in my world. There are even five movies in total. I've seen them all, but I don't mind watching it again, especially not with you."
A warm feeling of happiness washed over me at her words. It amazed me every time how Elise knew so much about things that were new to me. Her world seemed to be filled with amazing adventures and stories, and I was grateful to catch a glimpse of it all.
I looked at her lovingly and brushed a strand of hair from her face. "Then it's settled. Twilight it is," I said with a smile.

The movie hummed softly in the background as I held Elise tightly as we lay together on the bed. The glow of the screen illuminated her face as she watched the movie with fascination. Her hair lay like a silky veil over her shoulders, and I could feel her gentle breath against my chest.
After a while, I felt Elise sit up slowly, her dark eyes meeting mine in the soft light of the television. Her voice, soft as a breeze, broke the silence. "Do you have to work tomorrow?" Her concern was palpable in every syllable.
I let out a tired sigh as I thought about the obligations waiting for me. "Yes, we only have one day off," I replied, gently running my hand over her arm.
Suddenly, it flashed through my mind like a lightning bolt on a clear night: yesterday's phone call, the mysterious number from Tokio Hotel. My fingers found the remote control, and I pressed the pause button, freezing the image on the screen as Elise looked at me in surprise, her dark locks shining in the light of the television.
"You promised to let me hear that number made by Tokio Hotel in your world," I said, my voice filled with anticipation as I looked deeply into her eyes, longing for her answer.

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