6. Support Act

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After the meeting, we left the office space, and I turned to Elise. As we walked slowly down the hallway, I asked her with a genuine smile, "Are you actually excited to be our opening act again?"
Elise looked at me enthusiastically, her eyes sparkling with excitement. "Absolutely, Bill! I would be thrilled," she replied. "I've really missed performing, and I can't wait to be back on stage."
I felt a wave of joy and gratitude wash over me. The prospect of performing with Elise again brought not only joy to her eyes but also to mine. As we continued walking, I addressed the rest of the guys.
"Guys, I really want to thank you," I said, expressing my appreciation for them. "I'm so glad I can always count on you."
Tom laughed heartily and replied in his characteristic playful manner, "I really didn't want to hear for months on end how much you missed Elise." He gave me a teasing punch on my shoulder.
Gustav joined the conversation, his smile emphasizing the deep bond we shared. "That's true, Bill. We always stand together, no matter what happens."
As we walked further down the halls, I held Elise's hand firmly. The thought of touring together for months brought an unprecedented feeling of happiness. Elise broke the silence and whispered a sincere "thank you." My heart filled with warmth, and I squeezed her hand a little harder. At that moment, nothing else seemed to matter but this moment of shared happiness. Finally, I felt like my life was complete, surrounded by friends, passion, and the woman I loved.

The rehearsal room bathed in the soft light of the fluorescent tubes as we entered. Stef stood in the middle of the room, surrounded by instruments and equipment from our band. His presence alone exuded professionalism. He wore a leather jacket that spoke of the many tours and performances he had experienced. His face, lined with years in the music industry, radiated determination.
"Good morning, gentlemen and lady," Stef greeted us with a smile. His voice, infused with a sharp sense of humor, sounded like a familiar melody. He gestured towards a chair with a gesture that conveyed a mix of kindness and authority. "Young lady, you may sit here while I work with the boys."
Elise smiled and eagerly took her seat on the designated chair. Before she sat down, I quickly gave her a tender kiss on her cheek. Stef moved smoothly through the room, his eyes gliding over the instruments, and his ears seemed to absorb every sound. As a musical director, he played a crucial role in shaping our sound and perfecting our live performances.
I took my familiar position behind the microphone, ready to be guided by Stef's experienced leadership. "Okay, let's start with 'Noise'!" he announced. The room filled with the distinctive sounds of the song, and Stef led us through the complex arrangements with the ease of an experienced captain navigating his ship through familiar waters.
Out of the corner of my eye, I noticed Elise softly mouthing the lyrics as I sang the song. Stef signaled for us to pause and walked over to Tom to give some instructions. Georg, standing to my left, whispered to me, "Did you see that? Elise is singing along, and our CD isn't even out yet."
I decided to tell a little lie to keep the mood light and smiled at Georg. "I've sung it for her before," I said with a wink. Georg nodded understandingly, and Stef returned to his position.
Stef signaled to start again. "From the top, guys!" he called out, and the rehearsal resumed with renewed energy. The notes filled the room as we worked together to achieve the perfect performance.

As I sang the lyrics with all my heart, Elise suddenly jumped up from her chair. With her phone to her ear, she quickly left the rehearsal room. I stopped singing and gestured to Stef that I wanted a short break. I walked out into the hallway and saw Elise busy on the phone. "Yes, no problem, Paul. I'll come right away," I heard her say. She hung up her phone, noticed me, and excitedly ran towards me.
"Bill!" she exclaimed. "I just got a call from Paul asking if we'd be willing to be your opening act!" As she told me this, she did a little dance of joy. "It's official, we're going on tour with you!" I grabbed her and before kissing her, I congratulated her. "Congratulations, darling, I'm so happy." At that moment, Stef swung the door open and interrupted our moment. "Bill, we don't have all day for breaks," he said sternly. I broke the kiss with Elise and turned to Stef. "I'm coming!" Then I looked back into Elise's eyes.
"I have to go," she said to me. "We need to sign contracts, and they also want us to come up with a few new songs. OMG, Bill, I'm so grateful you arranged this." She stood on her tiptoes and gave me another kiss on my cheek. "Okay, Elise," I replied. "Good luck, and say hi to Bas." She smiled. "You take care of things here too," she added with a wink. She turned and left. I looked back at Stef, ready to dive back in.

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