36. Fear and Panic

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In panic, I turned around and called out Tom's name, my voice hoarse with fear and my hands clammy with sweat. "Tom!" I cried, my voice echoing in the silence of the room. Fear sliced through my soul like a knife, the thought of what could have happened to Elise almost suffocating me in my own despair.
It felt like my heart was pounding against my ribcage as I spoke frantically to Tom, my voice tense and full of dread. My thoughts raced like a whirlwind through my head as I struggled to control my breathing. Sweat broke out on my forehead, and my hands trembled as I told Tom about my premonition. "Tom, I had a feeling that something wasn't right," I whispered, my breathing shaky as I struggled to keep my emotions in check.
Tom placed his hand reassuringly on my shoulder, his presence a comforting beacon amidst the turbulent sea of my worries. "Bill, try to stay calm," he said, his voice determined yet gentle. His eyes spoke of understanding and concern, and I drew solace from his presence, even though it couldn't fully alleviate the fear gripping my heart.
"But what if something happened to Elise?" I asked, my voice almost a whisper, my thoughts overwhelmed by the dark possibilities unfolding before my eyes.
Tom rubbed my back encouragingly, a gesture that offered me both strength and support. "We need to figure out where she is first," he replied firmly. "We're not giving up hope just yet."
As my head spun with fear, I couldn't help but consider the worst-case scenarios. "Maybe the other Elise is back," I blurted out, my voice shaky with panic. "Or what if... what if David got hold of her..."
The mere thought sent a wave of unbearable fear coursing through me, my thoughts entangled in a web of uncertainty and dread.
Tom noticed my distressed state and responded immediately. "Let's try to reach her," he suggested, his voice a beacon of determination amidst the chaos. "Have you called her yet?"
I pulled out my phone and hastily dialed Elise's number, my fingers trembling with each press of the screen. The phone rang and rang, but was quickly answered by her voicemail. A shiver of pure dread ran down my spine upon hearing her voice telling me that her phone was turned off.
"When was the last time you spoke to her?" Tom asked, his voice calm but urgent.
"I called her when we heard from Stef that we had to stay longer in the studio," I replied, my memories of that moment blurred by the overwhelming fear now flooding over me.
"And what did she say?" Tom pressed, his eyes on me expectantly awaiting an answer.
I closed my eyes, my memories of that conversation blurred by the panic raging like a whirlwind through my mind. "Something about the apartment," I admitted, my voice weaker than I had hoped. "But I don't remember exactly what. I was so disappointed that she said 'the apartment' and not 'home,' and because of that, I didn't hear whether she said she was already here or on her way here."
Tom nodded understandingly, and I felt grateful for his support. "Okay," he said determinedly, "I'll go to David's to see if she's there. You call Bas to see if Elise mentioned any plans."
I shook my head and exclaimed forcefully, "No!" to Tom. I couldn't just sit here waiting while the fear consumed me from within. I needed to do something to find her, to know she was safe. But Tom remained steadfast and replied calmly, "Bill, I think it's best if I go to David's. If you find Elise there, I'm sure you would do something to him."
My frustration bubbled up, and I felt the anger rising within me. "He wouldn't get away with it if she's there," I hissed, my hands clenched into fists.
Tom took hold of my hand, his grip firm yet reassuring. "Exactly why," he replied calmly. "I don't want you getting into trouble."
I sighed deeply, the reality of his words slowly sinking in. I knew Tom was right—if I found David with Elise, I wouldn't be able to control myself.
Slowly, I nodded, the battle in my head still raging. "I get it, Tom," I finally said, my voice softer now. "I'll stay here in case Elise comes home."
Tom gave me an encouraging nod, grabbed his car keys, and left with determined steps. I remained behind, my thoughts a whirlwind of fear and concern. With trembling hands, I pulled out my phone and immediately called Bas.

I grabbed my phone and called Bas with trembling hands. He answered with his usual nonchalant tone, joking that it was late to call now. But as soon as he heard the seriousness in my voice, I felt his alertness increase. "Bas, do you know what Elise was planning to do tonight?" I asked, my voice trembling with fear. There was a brief silence on the other end of the line before Bas replied. "She turned down my offer for a ride home," he explained. "She said she'd rather walk, that it would clear her head." My heart now pounded even harder in my chest, fear clawing at my throat. What if something had happened while she was walking home alone? The mere thought filled me with raw panic. I heard the concern in Bas's voice as he tried to reassure me. Maybe someone with ill intentions took her, I thought, my mind a jumble of anxious scenarios. But I shook my head, knowing I had to stop those thoughts before they drove me completely mad. Bas interrupted my spiral of fear by saying, "I'm going to trace the route from the studio to our apartment to see if I can find her." A wave of gratitude washed over me. "Thank you, Bas," I said, my voice hoarse with emotion. "I hope you find her." After a brief farewell, I hung up the phone, but the unrest in my heart continued to gnaw at me as I remained in the darkness of the apartment, hoping and praying that Elise was safe.

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