45. Just us

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After the revelation that "Hilf Mir Fliegen" was written by the other Bill Kaulitz, I hugged Elise tightly and whispered in her ear that I was actually glad she never met that other Bill. Her warmth felt reassuring against my chest as I held her, as if she were dispelling my insecurities with just her presence.
She gently pushed me away, her eyes widening as she said she had indeed met him. I looked at her in surprise, my heart starting to race. "But I thought you had never been to a Tokio Hotel concert, never seen the band live," I stammered, my thoughts in disarray.
She moved closer to me again, her voice sounding sultry as she spoke. "When I was back in my world, I met Bill Kaulitz at the hotel where I worked." Elise's words echoed in my head as I stared at her with wide eyes. "What do you mean?" I stammered, my voice just a whisper, almost as if I were afraid of her answer.
Elise moved closer to me, her hand gently resting on my arm as she looked at me with a penetrating gaze. "I met him in his hotel room," she revealed, her voice infused with serenity.
I lowered my eyes, trying to keep my emotions in check as I struggled with feelings of jealousy and insecurity. "What happened when you met him?" I finally asked, my voice hoarse. Elise's voice became serious as she explained that Tokio Hotel had to perform nearby and were staying in the hotel. She told me she had to go solve a complaint in his room, and that was how they had met.
My thoughts raced wildly as I tried to understand what this meant. A million questions flashed through my mind, but one predominated above all: what had happened between Elise and the other Bill Kaulitz? Was there something between them?

"Are you jealous of a version of yourself now?" Elise's playful question momentarily slowed my heartbeat, as I caught her teasing gaze. A small smile appeared on my face as I looked at her. "Yes, because I know what he thought when he saw you standing in his hotel room," I replied, my voice slightly amused.
"Oh, is that so?" Elise's voice sounded naughty as she looked at me. "He saved my job and then asked me out." My muscles tensed involuntarily at her words, as I tightened my grip on the sheets. "That dirty bastard," I muttered, my voice whispering but filled with anger.
Elise gently laid her hand on my arm and looked at me reassuringly. "Oh, Bill, you don't need to be jealous. I didn't go for it," she assured me. A sigh of relief escaped my lips, although the thought of another version of me trying to seduce her still bothered me. But her words calmed my rising feelings of jealousy, and I felt grateful that she was honest with me.
But her next remark made my heart beat faster again, as if the rhythm of my thoughts was trying to keep up with her words. "But I would still like to know what Bill wanted to do with me in that hotel room," she teased me, her voice filled with mischief.

I whispered softly in her ear, my breathing heavier as I drew closer. "First and foremost," I began, as I let my hands gently glide over her body, "he would softly bite you, just like Edward Cullen does in the Twilight movie." My lips found her neck, and I gave a tender kiss, teasing my teeth over her soft skin. Elise sighed softly, her body responding to my touches. Her fingers stroked through my hair as she leaned closer to me, her heartbeat palpable beneath my lips.
I lifted my head and looked deep into her eyes, a playful smile playing on my lips. "And then," I whispered, my voice husky with desire, "he would slowly lead you to the bed, every step soaked with longing and passion." Our eyes met, the sparks of excitement clearly visible in the dark glow of the bedroom. I felt her heartbeat quicken, her breath irregular as she waited for what was to come.
As I kissed her neck again, I whispered soft words in her ear, my voice filled with longing. "You're so irresistible," I muttered, my lips still on her skin, enjoying her taste. Suddenly, I lifted her up, her legs wrapped around my waist as I held her tightly. A playful smile played on my lips as I pulled her closer to me, pressing her body close to mine. Her eyes met mine, filled with a mix of desire and curiosity.
Slowly, I lowered her onto the bed, her body stretching out beneath mine as I descended upon her. My lips found hers in a passionate kiss, our breaths mingling in a dance of passion and desire.
As our kiss grew more intense, I explored her body with my hands, every touch saturated with longing and excitement. Her skin glowed under my touch, and I could feel her desire for me growing with each caress.
But I wanted to give her more, to let her feel more of the passion burning between us. Slowly, but eagerly, I descended down her body, my lips leaving a trail of sensation on her skin. Her breathing quickened as I reached her breasts, and I could feel the excitement coursing through her. With tender caresses and soft kisses, I made her skin tingle with desire.
When the moment came, I looked deep into her eyes, a gaze full of passion and desire. Slowly, I entered her, each thrust more powerful than the last. Her body responded to mine with a delightful warmth, her fingers clutching the sheets tightly as she looked at me with a mixture of desire and pleasure.
The room seemed to fade away as I surrendered to the feeling of pleasure coursing through my body. My breathing quickened, my heart pounding in my chest as I lost myself in the moment of ecstasy. Just when I thought I had reached the peak of my pleasure, I heard her soft voice whisper, barely audible but still so meaningful: "I love you."
Those words, so simple yet so powerful, pierced my soul and made me feel like I was floating. It was as if time stood still as I realized what those words meant. A wave of emotion washed over me, a mix of joy, wonder, and love that almost overwhelmed me.
I looked at her, my eyes filled with love and gratitude for this precious woman before me. Her gaze met mine, her eyes sparkling with love and warmth. In that moment, I felt complete, connected to her in a way that words could not describe.
With a soft smile on my lips, I whispered back, my voice filled with emotion, "I love you too, more than you can imagine."

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