Just Go With It

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September 24th 2023
Kansas City, Missouri

A flight had been ordered and there she was. Sat in the back of a blacked out car at Morristown Airport in New Jersey waiting to board a flight to the midwest. But not just anywhere in the midwest... Kansas City.

The flight had been an early morning one. 7:30am and she was boarding her private jet, the smaller one, and was bound for Kansas City, Missouri. Travis had invited her to one of his games at dinner a couple of weeks ago in New York City. It had been at Nobu in the private dining room, that way nobody knew who was in there or where they were. They had been a couple now for just over a month but this would be the first time people saw them in person together since her concert in July and Travis' sweet podcast mention but they had agreed to keep things casual. They would walk together and be in the same room but wouldn't engage in any sort of physical contact. That had been how she had convinced Tree it was a good idea. She hadn't fully finished vetting Travis and formatting a plan for damage control for when they launched the relationship. But she had agreed it was for the best. Taylor had been worried that if they carried on hiding or sneaking around any longer, somebody would eventually see them and the press would have a field day. It was better for it to come from them, and she felt she owed her fans that.

Taylor pulled out her phone when they were 30 minutes from landing to text Travis. She knew he would be at the hotel downtown before the game and wasn't allowed his phone until the morning but she wanted to text him anyway just in case he would pick it up. They liked to keep each other updated on what they were doing in their separate, respective lives. Nothing creepy or possessive, just genuine interest and love.

Taylor: Hey, I'm about 25-30 minutes from landing and then I will head straight to your house from the airport. Super excited to see you play today xxx

She was about to place her phone away in her bag when she felt a familiar ping and vibration come through her phone. He had replied. That was quick, she thought. She clicked on the unread message and read it through...

Trav: Hey Tay, can't wait to see you later. Yeah just had straight to my place. My parents will be there and some if my friends will be arriving throughout the day. You can travel with them to the game. I'll pop by the house for some food and to see everyone before the game. Make yourself comfortable xxx

She smiled as she received the text message and could see the car arriving to pick her up and take her to Travis' house. She had only brought one of her security team with her. Steve had been with her for many years and had become family to her so it had only made sense to bring him along. She was dressed in a white tank top and black shorts. She didn't have any chiefs gear or merch. She didn't own any NFL merch apart from her old eagles jumper and cap that had belonged to her dad but she wore occasionally. She had decided to wear her signature red lipstick, hoping that it would be enough to show her support. The drive was fairly swift and within half an hour she was pulling up outside his house in Kansas City. It was lovely house from the exterior. It was a decent size for one person and when she entered the house it seemed homely, like someone lived there and not just occupied its dwellings. One of his friends led her inside into the open planned kitchen and dining room area. There was a game playing on the TV behind her and a gorgeous smell of food cooking. As she rounded the corner with her bags she noticed a tallish older lady with a blonde bob and glasses taking some delicious smelling chocolate chip cookies out of the oven and placing them onto the kitchen counter to cool down. She turned around and smiled as she caught a glimpse of Taylor.

"Oh hello Taylor. Sorry I didn't hear you come in." It was Travis' mom. Taylor had seen her a couple of times on FaceTime and calls Travis had had when he was at her apartment but this would be there first meeting in person. Taylor had been nervous about meeting Travis' parents...

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