The Proposal

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May 6th 2026
Paris, France

"Au Reviour Paris, you have been a pleasure to play for!!!"

Those words echoed around her head as she laid there that morning. Everything about the Paris set of the tour had been magical, made even more special by Travis and Luna being there with her as well as her best friends Blake and Ryan as well as their four girls. But it was over. The very short but intimate tour had finally come to a close. Whilst Taylor was deeply saddened to be saying goodbye to touring and performing again for a while, she couldn't shake off the feeling of slight and sheer relief. There was a sense of fatigue that had overcome her in the final set of shows, especially the closing night of the tour in Paris not that long ago. Maybe it was because she wasn't as young as she thought she was anymore. She had been touring full time properly since she was nineteen years old and had been supporting other artists and doing small touring shows across the US before that. That had been seventeen years ago nearly and she was also a mother now. Motherhood would always be one of her favourite journeys that she'd had the opportunity and privilege to embark on with Travis right by her side. But it did come with some drawbacks. Her body was more tired, things creaked and ached in a way they hadn't done before. 

But she didn't need to think about that anymore. She felt around for her phone to check what the time was. Damn, 10:08am...

That had been a long sleep. She hadn't felt like going out drinking or celebrating much after the show had ended. She was much too tired and had preferred to have a nice quiet evening in with Travis and Luna and some pizza that Travis had found from a random small pizzeria down the street from their hotel in Paris. As she was scrolling through her phone to look at the videos the fans had posted from all of the shows, she could hear the pitter patter of tiny feet running down the hallway towards their bedroom. She pulled herself up in bed just in time to see the door creak open and Luna come rushing in, giggling as she ran towards the bed clutching a bunch of multicoloured balloons in her hands. 

"Oh my goodness, my baby." Taylor cried, pulling Luna up onto their bed and peppering her with tiny kisses all over her little body, earning a ferocious belly giggle from her. She glanced at the balloons that Luna had previously been holding, reading how they spelt congratulations Mommy on each one of them. "Thank you my precious girl. I love them"

As she was hugging Luna into her side, rubbing soft circles on her back, she saw Travis appear at the door with liquid gold in his hands. Coffee: the one thing getting her through touring as a mother to a now one year old child who was growing so much more independent, it was actually a hazard. However this morning, as Travis approached her further and the smell of the hot beverage hit her nose, she turned her nose up. It smelt rancid, and bitter. nothing like she had remembered it being before when they had come to France. French coffee was so much better than the American shit they were used to. It tasted so fresh and finely roasted and created. But that morning, it made her go green. 

"Everything ok Tay? You kinda look like you have just seen a ghost." Travis asked, setting the cup of coffee down next to her on the nightstand. God, that just made it ten times worse. She swallowed any vomit that would try to make its way back up her throat, focussing on Travis instead who was now climbing back into their bed with breakfast in his hands. Freshly bakes pastries that he had gone to fetch with Luna that morning from the small local patterserie. She knew that he had gone there because as if by magic, a text from her publicist Tree came through on her phone.

Tree❤️: I see that Trav has been out and about this morning. Got him running errands for you as well now.

Attached to the message were two pictures of Travis in the bakery. One had been a grainy shot that someone had obviously snapped quickly on their way to work or something like that. But the other had been an actual photo with the owner of the shop, who had apparently offered them free pastries. 

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