A Girl Like Her

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November 23rd 2024
Kansas City, Missouri

Nothing brings a family together more than the excitement and anticipation of a baby. Brittany had insisted on organising a gender reveal party for Taylor and Travis as soon as she had received that initial text message from Travis telling them all that Taylor was pregnant. 

The pair had gone to their twenty week anatomy scan as normal, deciding that they wouldn't find out themselves there at the doctors office, choosing to have the doctor write the baby's sex on a piece of paper that they would give to Brittany at lunch later that day. Taylor thought back to that glorious day ten days ago, thinking about how happy they had been to see their little baby and how that day would be the day they would find out if the baby was a boy or a girl. Both of them didn't mind, but were both leaning more towards it being a baby girl. 

"It looks so much more real now. Like a real baby." 

"It is a real baby." The doctor replied chuckling, moving the ultrasound probe lower on Taylor's stomach. "So everything looks as it should do. Baby has all ten of its fingers and all ten of its toes and there is a nice strong, healthy heartbeat which is exactly what I would like to hear." 

Taylor and Travis smiled brightly at each other as they turned back towards the TV screen in front of them that was showing them their beautiful little bean.

"Now the baby is measuring on the 92nd percentile for height but with both of your heights, it isn't something I am surprised or worried about. I can't be certain for weight but I think we are looking at the 80th percentile for weight so I apologise in advanced, this looks to be a fairly big baby."

Taylor shot Travis the look. A look that said "You did this to me."

"Sorry." Travis said sheepishly and how could Taylor resist that face.

Taylor had asked Brittany to keep things simple. It would just be a small gathering of her parents, Austin and Sydney, Travis' parents Ed and Donna, Jason, Kylie and the three girls along with some of Travis and Taylor's close friends. 

It was still early morning when Taylor felt herself awaken from a disturbed night of sleep. Her round ligament pain had started to set in despite the fact that she still didn't have much of a large bump. She searched around in the dark for her phone to check what the time was, inching her feet out from under the covers, which had been difficult due to the fact that last night Travis and Taylor were entertaining four visitors in their bed: Meredith, Olivia, Benjamin and Bennett who had climbed out of her pack and play crib in one of their guest bedrooms and snuck into Taylor and Travis' bedroom. They had decided that it would be easier to host the party at their house in Kansas City and to have their family stay over with them at their house. It would only be for a couple of days and would allow them to watch the upcoming Chiefs game as well as come to the party. 

Leaving Travis, Bennett and the rest of Central Park zoo in their bed, Taylor darted off to the bathroom. Her morning sickness had come back with a vengeance in the past week along with more food aversions. She swore this baby wanted her to eat nothing more than bagels and dippin dots ice cream but she couldn't complain, she just was worried about the fight she would have to commit with Jason over the bagels she had ordered for the party. The sound of her vomiting must have woke Travis up. 

"You ok babe?" She heard him say groggily as he turned on the bathroom light and game to sit down beside her next to the toilet.

"Yeah, I think that is the worst of it over. I am just glad that it seems to only be in the morning at the moment. Have to be grateful for small mercies I suppose." She sighed, wiping her mouth with the corner of her pyjama top sleeve and coming up to flush the toilet and rinse her mouth out, removing the taste of bile and sick from her mouth. With the remaining contents of her stomach successfully removed, Taylor focussed her eyes on Travis, wrapping her arms around Travis' back, pulling him into her. 

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