40 Weeks

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April 17th 2025
New York City, New York

There was one word that was plaguing Taylor's mind, bringing her nothing but irritance and annoyance all week long. And that word was overdue...

Whilst she had heard that it wasn't uncommon for a first time mom to go overdue, it was still nonetheless annoying. Everything in her life had always been so meticulously planned, even down to her bathroom breaks for shows and travelling. But this was the one thing in life that she couldn't control. 

And that as how she found herself, pacing around and around their bedroom, waiting for Travis to come home from a meeting so that they could go to the doctors office. Because Taylor was now over a week overdue, she had to go in for another ultrasound and checkup with her OBGYN to check for any abnormalities. Seeing as the baby was going to be rather a big baby, unsurprisingly, the doctor had suspected that Taylor's body Amy struggle to go into labour naturally seeing as it had never done it before and that her body most likely would struggle with a natural birth. But Taylor more than anything did not want to have a c-section. It grossed her out and she knew that Travis would never find her attractive again if he saw her stomach being ripped open and her organs scooped out and placed in metal bowls in some random operating theatre.

She heard the door swing open, hearing Travis' booming voice from the hallway.

"Tay, are you ready to go!" He shouted, coming through into the living room where he found no sight of her. She had just been in the bathroom on what could have been the third or the fiftieth pee of the day. She wasn't too sure now.

"Tay." Travis said, coming round the corner to their bedroom. "The doctor's appointment is in fifteen minutes. The doctor is keeping it open out of hours for us so we should probably get a move on if we want to-"

But he was cut off before he could even finish his sentence.

"IN A MINUTE!" He heard her screech. "Ok I am ready to go."

Taylor emerged from the bathroom, her natural hair falling in beautiful curls over her shoulder, she had let her hair grow out during her pregnancy, knowing full well from what she had heard that it would all fall out by the time baby girl was here. She had on a floral maternity dress paired with a cream cashmere cardigan.

"You look beautiful my love." Travis uttered, coming over to wrap his arms around her, kissing her neck lightly. She looked up at him and laughed.

"You are a terrible liar." Taylor chuckled as she grabbed her purse and made her way behind Travis towards the front door. "Ummm Trav!"

"What?" Travis uttered, turning around to look at Taylor who had stopped a few metres behind him. She looked down at the ground, unable to look him in the eye.

"I need help." She had big round eyes, full of emotion like a sweet little puppy. He knew immediately what she meant.

"Ofcourse." He replied immediately, ushering her over to the sofa and bringing her the white toms trainers she was planning on wearing. He knelt down in front of her, slipping on the shoes one at a time before tying them in a double knot to keep them from coming undone. "Right. Lets go."

He followed her out to the car that was waiting for them. There were of course a few paps out on the street but seeing as it was late in the evening, out of hours for the doctor's office, their presence wasn't really noticed.

"So Taylor, how have you been feeling?" The doctor asked after Taylor got herself situated on the bed, minus her underwear. Even though it was nothing both Travis and her doctor had seen before, it was nevertheless still embarrassing being completely naked from the waist down in front of them both. That had been her one request of Travis for when the time came for her to give birth: whatever happened, he was not to watch her give birth from that end. If he did, there was a large chance he would never want to have sex with her again. Ignorance is bliss and after having children, it's the only way to keep the sex aspect of your relationship alive and burning. 

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