Lets Ruin It With Babies

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June 4th 2026
Kansas City Missouri

They had returned from Washington DC two days ago and yet the sickness had not passed and the facts of life were still there, clear as day. Taylor was pregnant, and Travis was still in the dark. She had been to the doctors on her own the day before under the premise to Travis that she had to go in for her smear test because when she was originally due one they had been touring in Europe at the time. It hadn't been a complete lie but she had informed the doctor that she thought she was pregnant, and lo and behold the blood test confirmed. She had decided to wait for an ultrasound until Travis knew but Taylor knew that she would have to tell him soon. And by soon, she meant that day. Travis had a meeting with Pat that morning to do with their restaurant in Kansas City, 1587 Prime, as well as some training sessions in the gym with his Personal Trainer which gave Taylor plenty of time to organise something.

She sat there, lying and looking up at the ceiling wondering why she felt so anxious. It wasn't like they hadn't been through all of it before. They had Luna and had, in a sense, been actively trying to get pregnant for a while. Travis had been certain about having another baby ever since that they had received the negative pregnancy test result when they had been in New York City when Taylor had thought she was pregnant the first time. They had both agreed to takes things slowly that year, and maybe that contributed to her nerves. it had been Travis who had agreed to and suggested that they took things as they came and didn't rush into anything. Well getting pregnant within a month of saying you will slowly start trying, is basically going full throttle. The exact opposite. But he would be happy, she was sure of it. Well she hoped Travis would be. Or else, she would have no partner and be a single mother of two, because she was not going to get rid of her baby.

She didn't have much more time to sit and think about it before she could hear Luna crying from her crib in the nursery. Taylor groaned, pulling back the covers of her warm, cozy bed, slipping on some slippers before dragging herself out of her bedroom. She caught a glimpse of herself in the mirror in the hallway. She had to put it to herself, she looked dreadful. Taylor had been putting in extra amounts of effort to make sure that Travis didn't notice anything was up. She would try her best to be sick in any toilet besides their own one in their ensuite to ensure that Travis wouldn't hear her. She would wake up extra early to put on a full face of makeup to make sure she could cover up her dark circles from where she had been kept awake by the first trimester, anxiety or the fact she had a clingy toddler who was refusing to sleep on her own again. She'd had a close call a few days before when they were on a trip to the White House for the Chiefs meeting with the president after their Super Bowl win. It was at least a rogue bucket list item she could tick off. Not everyone can stand up and say they have been caught violently projectile vomiting in a bathroom of the White House. Not that she had wanted to do it that was.

Taylor pushed open the door to Luna's nursery gently, peaking her head in to see her daughter stood up, holding onto the railings of her wooden crib with her curled hair sticking up everywhere. She hadn't slept well that night and Taylor knew that Travis had important meetings to attend to that day and so decided she would tale the brunt of the parenting and night time duties then. It wasn't like she wasn't already awake anyway.

"Aww baby, Mommy's here now. There is no need to cry." Taylor whispered, pulling the still crying toddler up and out of her crib, pulling off her pink sleep suit to expose her polka dot onesie.

"Dada?" Luna mumbled as Taylor placed her down on her changing table to change her diaper.

"Dada is at work baby, we will see him later." Taylor replied but she knew that was a mistake for as soon as she had said this, she could see Luna's bottom lip begin to tremble once again before she let rip another almighty cry. Taylor sighed, placing her head in her hands. Whilst it had always been sweet how much Luna adored her dad, it was becoming increasingly more annoying when Travis had to go out for work, leaving Taylor alone with Luna. Of course Luna loved her mommy, but she loved her daddy just enough more for it to seem like a cheap deal being left alone with mommy all day long whilst daddy worked.

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