H is for Happiness

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April 20th 2025

New York City, New York 

Wow, it was final all so real.

They were going to be trusted to keep another human being alive, all on their own. Luna passed all of her hearing and sight tests with flying colours and was deemed fit to go home that morning, and so was Taylor. Their security was coming to pick them up and discretely take them back to their apartment in Tribeca where they would meet Ed, Donna, Jason, Kylie and the girls later that day. 

"Can you believe it Luna baby, it's time to go home." Taylor whispered as she placed on the newborn baby's going home outfit. A white onesie with lots of small black polka dots topped with a beautiful cream knitted jumper, made by Donna, with Luna's name embodied in dark pink thread across the middle. Travis came into the hospital room from where he had been with the doctor, a stack of white papers in his hands.

"Are those the discharge papers?' Taylor asked and Travis nodded, coming over to where Taylor was cradling the sleeping baby in her arms, bags all packed up around them.

"Yep, and a lovely great big hospital bill to go along with it!" Travis chuckled, flicking through the pages of white paper before securing them in a plastic wallet in one of the suitcases they had brought with them to the hospital. 

"Well it's not like we can't afford it." Taylor laughed back. It did make her wonder how people did it though. Her and Travis were so lucky that they did not have to worry about the cost of Luna's birth. They knew it would be more expensive going private but when you can have the best healthcare that money can buy, you do it. But some people can barely afford to make ends meet, and put food on the table. How on earth were they affording to have children, or pay for medical treatment if anything ever happened or happens to their kids. 

With everything all signed and ready to go, the only thing they were waiting on was the doctor. Despite finding it undignified, Taylor did not want to be walking anywhere or any longer than necessary after pushing a whole human out of her body and then having to have stitches because of it. Travis came over to her, carefully taking the newborn from her arms to strap her into her carseat. She stirred slightly, calming down as Travis shushed her, rocking the carseat back and forth soothingly. The press had been speculating about Luna's birth since yesterday but nobody had any photos or concrete evidence that it had taken place. They were not playing any games with the media. They simply wished for Jason, Kylie and the three girls to meet their cousin first before the rest of the world found out about it. Taylor and Travis had both collectively agreed that whilst they would share a photo or two of the baby on their respective instagrams, they would try their hardest to keep her face covered in all other photos. Whilst many people would soon see what their children looked like from taking her to games at arrowhead to watch Travis play or at one of her concerts when Taylor inevitably starts touring again. But for the sake of their privacy, it would be limited. She was just a baby after all. She did not ask to be brought into any of this. 

"How does this buckle in again?" Travis asked as he struggled to fasten the carseat into the back of the black Range Rover that had been sitting there waiting for them since Taylor went into labour and had driven to the hospital two days ago. It felt like such a long time ago, a whole lifetime away now that they had Luna with them. They had their own version of this model back in Kansas City along with Travis' black Mercedes AMG that they often used when going further afield to the lakes or in some parts of LA. Taylor laughed a little, knowing full well that Travis was stressing his head off. He had been able to do this no bother before they had gotten to the hospital. Taylor had watched him practising in their underground garage and back in the driveway at their property in Kansas City. But now, when the pressure was on, he was crumbling. Who would have thought that this man thrived on pressure every single day for his job as a top end athlete? Travis loaded the rest of the bags into the boot of the car, climbing into the front in the car ready to set off back to their apartment. It was still early morning, with dawn only breaking an hour before. Both of them hoped that the paparazzi would either be quieter or not there at all by the time they got back so that they could get inside in peace. 

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