Chapter 4

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My eyes fill with tears. Tom is laying in a hospital bed, unconscious. Me and Noah sit in the visitor chairs next to my mum and dad. I keep getting flashbacks from the car accident I was in with my parents. I close me eyes, obviously in distress. Noah realizes and squeezes my hand. It helps with my panic attack- surprisingly. Tom's doctor comes in. "Well, we have some good news and some bad news," the doctor says. "Lay it on us.." my mum replies. "Well, the good news is that Tom only has a few bruises and the emotional scar, but he'll be fine. The bad news, well, he hasn't regained his consciousness. But we're positive he will. It may take a few days though.. but the doctors will be doing treatments so we can't have visitors. We will tell you guys updates over the phone though. You're welcome to go home." the doctor says. My dad sighs, "Well, I reckon we leave then. Our prayers are with Tom.". We all go home and I drive with Noah. I tell my dad Noah and I are going somewhere, and he doesn't mind. We drive for quite awhile and we get to the ocean. 

"Why did you drive me all the way to the ocean? I ask.

Noah replies, "I know it calms you, just looking at it." 

"Thank you so much. I need it."

"Don't thank me. May I ask you a question?" 

"Of course." 

"Are we still up for our date tomorrow night? 

"Yes, why wouldn't we be? 

"Well, thinks got pretty hectic so,"

"Yes, but the doctors know he'll be okay. And I would never just cancel a date with you."

Noah smirks, showing his dimples, which makes me head over heels. He comes closer to me and whispers in my ear which the sweetest tone, "I love you, Inciting Incident.". "I love you too, more than you think.". Noah grins and kisses me, about a minute of kissing he bites my lip. It feels so good and makes me realize just how great my life is. Even though hell happens sometimes, I know it won't last forever. I lift my leg up as he kisses me, because of the sensation. He starts kissing my neck, and me being the awkward person I am, I slip and fall on the rocks, bringing Noah with me-well actually, on top of me. I blush very hard, and all he does is smirk. I try to look down, avoiding him seeing him, but it isn't very possible when you're on the ground. "Um, we should get up," I say giggling. Noah replies, "Okay, but first...", then he quickly brings down his head to mine and pecks my cheek. I blush even more. We get up. Noah laughs and says sarcastically, "I guess I could say I like that you're clumsy." and winks at me. We stay at the ocean for a few more hours then go back to my house. We go to my bedroom. I decide to reactivate my twitter account, because most of this was handled and I was bored because as soon as we got back Noah passed out. I looked at the trending hashtags, and I was horrified at the 2nd trending hashtag, it was "#StopPennyPorter".

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