major editing.

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hi. spoopy bitch here. 

im looking through my works right now and i started re-reading the few first chapters of this story. note: i had half of these ideas since i was 11. yes. 11. ex: car crash, teenage marriage, betrayal of friend, etc. and, i wrote half of this story about last year when i had just turned 13. and i have one word for all of it:

e m b a r r a s s i n g

personally, i think im a much better writer now. im taking advanced writing classes, unlike last year, and i have just expanded my writing skills. i also have ocd, so since this story has flaws, i cringe SO much and detect flaws that arent even there. 

heres some flaws i need to change. immediately: 

1.) up until chapter 15 or so, i wrote in present tense. which i was totally uncomfortable with but my 11-13 mind thought it was right. after that chapter, i started writing in past tense, which is what i love writing in. but it's obviously not very clean and it's confusing when you do that. so ill be changing all of the story to past tense.

2.) punctuation. need i say more? i think not 

3.) run on sentences 

4.) not knowing when to start a new paragraph 

5.) it was too fucking cheesy. i have to skim over the story because i was too cheesy. my 11-13 year old self obviously thought life was a fairy tale. 


7.) my writing was basic. just plain & basic. im re-writing the chapters and elaborating. you can re-read if you want. 

yeah, that's most of them. i could probably write a bunch more but, yeah. although i want to change the plot deeply, i wont. 

but what i'd rather do than change the plot or fix the story? delete it. completely. it's really embarrassing and i was a total zoella freak last year and the years before. i still love her stuff now, but i was a small fangirl. i hate the story so much and i cringe when people give me compliments about it, like, no?? it sucks. badly. and it's gonna look horrid when i have this dumbass story on my profile next to my nano story (toys for tots, it's not on here yet tho), which im greatly proud of. 

but yeah, thats all i have to say. ill probably start editing tomorrow since im really tired right now. 

night loves, and happy 13 days until halloween!! xx 


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