Chapter 18

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The next morning, or so I thought, I woke up in the hospital. 

"M-mom?" I stuttered. 

"Hey Pen, are you okay?" 

"Where am I?"

"The hospital,"


"Penny, you've been in coma.." 

"For how long?" 

"Well, the night Elliot left you had a huge panic attack and fell on something. You had bad brain damage and went into coma for a year. Luckily, no amnesia." 

"What?! Where's Noah and Elliot?!" I screamed. 

"Noah, well, he's in the waiting room. He moved down here when we took you back to Brighton to a different hospital. Elliot well, we haven't talked to him since." 

I started to cry and my mom consoled me. I just wanted to make things right. 

* * * 

Five years later, I was marrying Noah Flynn. Yep, marrying. I still hadn't ever talked to Elliot but now I was okay. My dress was tight fitting to my waist, and then poofed out at the end. It was absolutely gorgeous and I knew Noah would just die when he saw me. 

My dad locked his arm with mine as I held my flowers in the other hand. "Ready baby girl?" my dad said. I blinked my eyes removing the few tears in my eyes and nodded. We started to walk down the aisle as I heard the tune of "Here Comes the Bride". As soon as Noah saw me, his mouth dropped, just the reaction I wanted. 

* * * 

Noah and I decided not to do vows but Noah went behind my back and said some anyways.

"Noah, your vows?" the Pastor said. 

"Penny, when we first met, I knew we were perfect for each other. You were so beautiful and I really wanted to get to know you. When you actually allowed me to get inside your past and you opened up your comfort box, it made me really fall for you. I just want you to know that I'd go through millions of more panic attacks with you, and anything because I love you. I love you so much. It is the biggest honor to be your Brooklynn Boy, Inciting Incident."

I wiped away a stray tear and then turned it back to the Pastor. 

"Okay, Noah, do you take Penny to be your lawfully wedded wife?" 

"Hell yeah," Noah said and I chuckled. 

"Penny, do you take Noah to be your lawfully wedded husband?" 

"I do," I replied. 

"I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may kiss the bride." 

Noah dipped me instantly and kissed me passionately. I was finally married to the love of my life, and I wouldn't have it any other way. 

After the ceremony I felt a figure come up to me. 

"Hey," Elliot said. 


I hadn't seen him in six years, but I instantly pulled him in a bear hug. My life was already perfect and Elliot coming back made it even better. I was more than happy with my life and I couldn't wait to start this new chapter.

Author's Note: omg, this is the last chapter y'all. i repeat, last chapter. im crying oml. 

first of all, i probably wont make an epilogue, but theres a small chance i might, so be on the look out for that. second of all, thank you SO FUCKING MUCH for over 700 reads. i didnt even expect to get 10 reads, so over 700 is so amazing and im so amazed. im literally crying. 

also, im so very sorry the last few chapters are rushed, i have no more motivation for this story because i started writing another story called 'where i stand' and you should check it out -->

thank yall so so so soososososososo much for the support. ill see you all later. i love you <3


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