Unwanted Responsibility

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Gusto was an ordinary boy, yet he stood out in his uniqueness, much like the diverse breeds you might encounter. Despite his distinctions, Gusto remained a boy, akin to the contrasts between sweet and sour gravy.

His fondness for people wasn't romantic; rather, Gusto enjoyed interaction as a means to assert his non-introverted nature. He was succinct in speech, yet the world hadn't stamped him as an adult. Regardless of any official declaration, he shunned the idea, as his musings on society led him to question the frenzy associated with adulthood.

In his contemplative moments, Gusto pondered why adulthood spurred actions against humanity and sanity. He questioned why the excitement surrounding adulthood overshadowed discussions about the profound differences between children and adults. To him, stepping into adulthood meant having an equal playing field, like a ball game where the size of the ball determined the target.

However, Gusto found irony in the fact that while everyone acknowledged the sensibility of proportional targets, life seemed to discard this principle suddenly. The illogical acts of adulthood, in his view, contradicted the very laws people professed to uphold.

At twenty, Gusto found himself contemplating the weight of his age, realizing he never wanted to be this old so soon. Yet, determined to navigate life uniquely, he acknowledged the inevitability that came with time.

While many attribute their paths to faith, Gusto sought to unravel the reasons his faith anchored him. Judgmental people, oblivious to the consequences of their actions, troubled him. Having witnessed the contamination of landfills – both physical and metaphorical – Gusto concluded that cleaning up required purifying not just the environment but also the minds.

Recalling a TV campaign from his childhood advocating sanitisation , Gusto realized the importance of cleansing minds to eliminate societal trash. He acknowledged historical figures who shared this belief, using different "cleaning agents" like bleach or Dettol.

Facing the prospect of being thrust into an undesired role in the coming years, Gusto resolved to plan actions he could justify and deploy on the spot, ensuring he retained control over his narrative and principles.

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