Unearthly Encounter

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On his first day at university, Gusto observed how people often portray themselves as thoughtless by speaking without consideration. Speaking with caution was a practice he had always upheld. After neatly parking his car and turning off the engine, Gusto, who detested uncleanliness, meticulously exited his vehicle. Even the slightest dust particles on his car's dashboard were a source of his disdain.

Before heading to the lecture building, Gusto ensured his parking wouldn't inconvenience others, as he disliked apologizing for negligence.

While opening car door, he encountered a boy on his knees, passionately professing his undying love. Gusto pondered the fleeting joy in confessions that often last only a few minutes, knowing that perceptions of love can change when other arrive.

Gusto lived by the mantra "It's better to never promise anything than to break one,"
After navigating his way to the lecture hall he
strategically chose a central seat in the large hall. He avoided the aisle seat, aware of potential disruptions, given the number of course mates and the hall likely filling up.
Observing the etiquette of leaving space at the end of the row, he settled for the middle seat aligned with the screen.

Gusto's immediate neighbor, a brunette with almond eyes and a sharp nose, caught his attention. Before Gusto could introduce himself, she spoke with familiarity, as if anticipating his arrival. Her sweet and soft voice, a miracle of art to the unartistic Gusto, posed a challenging question considering the lack of introduction: "Hi there, considering how early you came, do you live nearby, or did your parents drive you?"

Despite Gusto's evident surprise, the girl attempted to mend the conversation by introducing herself and requesting Gusto's introduction. However, the damage had already been done, and unlike others, Gusto could discern the embarrassment on her face, observing her unhappiness through her body language.

Eventually, unable to contain the guilt, she apologized to Gusto, saying, "I am sorry for the way I talked to you in the first place. I always tell myself I will think before I talk, but I always end up in this situation. I was just excited to see someone new, and I wanted to talk to you. The question I wanted to ask last came out as the first from me."

Gusto, though aware that people often spoke without thinking, hadn't imagined the difficulty some faced in implementing thought before speech, even when genuinely striving to do the right thing. Valencia became an eye-opener for him, offering insight into various lives.

In response to Valencia's inquiry about his living situation, Gusto revealed, "To answer your question, Valencia, I drove here. I live far and don't live with my parents." However, uttering the last six words made Gusto uneasy, a reminder of past wounds from his youth when he desperately wanted his parents together.

Valencia, with a brain lacking a filter and a tongue without a knot, questioned, "Why not, Gusto? I live with my parents; it's easy to live with adults I can depend on them. You should try it."

Gusto responded with the truth, "My parents are divorced."

The horror and sadness on Valencia's face were palpable, and Gusto, upon focusing on something unintended, saw something special yet sad. He recognized Valencia's genuine emotions, contrasting with what he perceived as emotionally distant beings.

Seeing her whimpering and attempting to hide her humiliation, Gusto, surprisingly, didn't find her crying disgusting. Unconsciously, he wiped her tears with the silk piece from his cardigan pocket. Sensing something amiss, Gusto provided comforting words, because he didn't wanted Valencia to feel guilty or embarrassed on anything that had happened between them in this half an hour of waiting for lecturer.

" Valencia, I am used to their absence you shouldn't cry like this; when you cried I realised I shouldn't ever tell you anything that might evoke your emotions. You are sensitive to people around you, be careful they might not spare you."

However if Gusto thought that him telling her his piece of advice was enough then he was wrong Valencia was his solution.

" Gusto, how much did they hurt you for you to say that you are used to their absence, a man as broken as you make me believe that if there is ever any situation In life where I can be your shield or a bridge please don't hesitate to call me." She replied With caution and hesitation evident in her voice

Astonished by her sincerity, Gusto was left speechless as a notification arrived, announcing the lecturer's absence due to fever. When he looked up from his screen, Valencia had disappeared.

The uncanny encounter left Gusto contemplating, unable to believe the celestial-like sincerity he had experienced.

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