Ch 3, the sabelak!?

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She started bangging on the door screaming at me to open up but i didnt i couldnt because, If i did we would both be dead, «Tir! Tirik!!! Come down here right now! » «what is it! » i grabbed Tirik and went over to a Secret room, (yes, we have a secret room why wouldnt we, we are litrally being hunted by our own... mom clone?) «wait here til i say its ok to come out, no specificly wait till i say our cats name then you can come out, ok? » «ok» «promise me to follow these instructions»

«i promise ...» «good look the door after me» i went out and heard the click from the door locking,

Then i went over to the locker some years ago when i last visited Hunter he told me that every room has a riffel in the locker which you can only use to kill monsters, sadly i havent told hunter about the situasjon with mom, I sould probably tell him «RIN!!! Open the fucking door!!!» someone screamed «fuck» I grabbed the riffel and ran behind the couch, then i heard the door break «oooh Rin! Get out here! » fucking hell, I grabbed a tight hold of the riffel and pointed it at the thing it stared at me with this horrible grin.

«WHO ARE YOU AND WHAT DO YOU WANT! » I screamed «oh me i'm the sabalak the monster from the shadows the queen of the night.» this is the sabalak why is it following us?, then it leaped torwards me and i shot it «WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK!» The sabalak fell to the ground and turned to some wierd slime it fell trough the floor and disepeared, Then i saw my dad he was just stareing then i noticed Hunter he was also stareing at me, «what? was that» he asked "umm my mom? clone?" i answered.

«you didnt lie about that thing, did you? » my father asked «no i didn't, i wouldnt lie about that. » I said «why didnt you tell me about this Rin» hunter asked «sorry Hunter» I said then i heard crying i ran torwards the secret door and said Nico then the door unlocked, She ran out and hugged me «RIN!» she cried and cried till she saw dad ans hunter they looked stuned i lifted her up and got a chocolate and gave it to her, she started to smile and cheer up then i put her down on the sofa and gave her some soda.

«RIN! TIR! Are you guys ok! » «ARI=) » Tir got so happy when she saw Ari «yeah we are fine. »

I then walked over to the door Cal came over with some things to help me put up a new door (she brought a new door to)

Cal started talking about something but then hunter cut in «the sabalak is going to come back when she is fully healed you need to be careful. » he said «yeah ok. »

A little later they all left dad stayed tho «you can sleep in the guest bedroom. » i said «isnt there anything else you want to tell me» he asked «no i'm going to go do my homework then im going to bed see you tomorrow» why did he have to show up now, of all times he could have just stayed awey, acting like he cares everyone knows he doesnt «dad, you didnt have to come look for us.» i saw his face in my side visjon he looked hurt, and it felt so good.

(the next day)

I have ignored my dad all day he keeps trying to talk to me, my sister keeps close to me and doesnt let go of my hand but i dont think i can ignore him anymore. «Rin, we have to talk» he said.

«you are ignoring me» he continued «no i just dont have alot of free time around here» i lied «no you are ignoring me» he insisted.

«and what if i am? » i asked «you are not supposed to ignore your family boy» he said «so now we are family you left and didnt come back for 3 years and when you came back you came back with a new family, and left your old one you havent acted like you cared since i was like 10, what happend to your wife anyways where is she now? » i asked «eh...» wwas all he could say «did she leave you to, is that why your here! » i asked «....» he didnt say anything "leave!" i said

«i SAID LEAVE! » «ok...ok im leaveing» then he packed his things and walked out the door he didnt come back, but i really didnt care and my sister didnt care either.

(the next day)

(knock knock)

«who's there!?» «Mail man i have a pack for you! »

I went outside and signed the papers for the pack «what is it i dont remamer ordering anything but ok» «yeah its a gift from a friend of you kid» «eh ok» i opend the box and what was in it shoocked me it was a dead dog, it was a dead dog in a box. there was some black inky gue on it to. «what the fuck!?» i sould probably call Hunter. «Hunter i got a box in the mail and there was a dead dog, in it with some black gue on it»

«i'll be there in a sec call Ari and Cal they live closer to you i'll ask Leo to pick up Tirik. »

«ok. » then i hung up on him and called Ari «Ari? » I asked.

«yeah what's up? perasite» she answered «first up why you calling me a perasite? second are you with Cal right now?» I asked «um your the son of the sabalak so perasite, and your a bit annoying and yeah im with Cal» she said «um ok, can you guys come over here?» I asked «sure, but why? » she asked «i'll explain when you get here ...» I said «ok» she answered then she hung up, Around 4 minutes later they arrived at my apartment then Hunter arrived 10 minutes later. «so, Rin what happend? » they asked i just pointed at the box, and when they opend it they turned to me with a shocked expression on their faces. «em Rin who did this? » Hunter asked «i dont know. » I answered «the black ink ...» Hunter said «Hunter? What do you mean what about the black ink? » Ari asked «Rin do you remamber the other day the color of the ink the creature left behind. » Hunter asked «yeah it was ... black» i said «but why would it send this to you. » Kelly asked, then ari answered «maybe it's trying to scare you» «maybe? Or maybe its just a creep. » i said, i must have had a wierd look on my face becuase hunter asked «Rin? You ok? » «yeah im fine» i answered «you dont look fine» what did he mean by that «no im fine Just thinking and also thats sickening. » «agree can someone lock the box» Kelly said then Ari said «Rin? » «um we sould probably get rid of that box» i said before she could say anything «yeah i totally agree» «yeah your right, we sould probably get rid of it before Tirik gets back» we all just looked at it then,, we voted Hunter got stuck with it, and he was complaining about it I mean who wouldn't complain if they got stuck with a box with a dead dog inside, then I looked down because I felt fur on my right ankle, and there my cat was I picked Nico up and put him on the couch.

(Ari's perspectiv)

I looked over at Rin he had put his cat down on the couch, I walked over and we talked for a bit then I saw his eyes widening «what is it, rin? » I asked «the ink... the ink!» he said and then he pointed at the wall, when i turned to the wall there was nothing there «Rin there is nothing there.» I said he looked at me with confusion «you cant see it» he asked «no» I said, he looked a little scared then relif then shock again i didnt know what to say to him then i finally checked the clock on my phone, it was 16:30 i looked at Hunter and Kelly they just stared at the window when i looked out i just saw a dark red color then i looked down there was sand black sand then Rin came over atleast i thought i was him i felt hands on my back they were bigger then Rins then i fell, then i heard a scream and realised it was my own, then i noticed two arms around me and we crashed through threes, suddely we were in the forest it was black and red i looked over and saw rin he was bloody and his arms were black with sharp claws he had horns wings and looked like the monster hunter had described to us just male and more human like. 

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