Ch 6 wtf is that!? Wait is just some crazy cat lady?

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(Rins pov)

I was still driving I was starting to get tierd sure we stopped so I could rest but in the end I was the only one with a drivers license, so yeah that suckes, but back to the point it is around 6 in the afternoon now and im so tierd I have been driving for one and a half day straight now, but even tho im tierd we need to keep going if we want answeres-"is that smoke!?" I heard Leo say then I stopped the car, I pooked my head out the window "souldnt we check it out?" Cal said "are you crazy that's how you get murderd you idiot" Hunter said then Ari said "we sould check it out!" Ari your supposed to be the smart one " and your supposed to be the smart one here" I heard Leo say-damn Leo do you want to die, atleast I was only thinking it not saying it out loud- "what cat got your toung" Leo said while Ari was stareing intensely at him, then I saw him tremble a bit but he hid it well, then I turned the front mirror torwards him and stared straight at him through it, that apperantly got his attention, he understood that he should probably apolegise before she rips his toung out "Sorry Ari, I was just jokeing" leo said "well it wasn't funny" Ari said, ilooked at her through the mirror she looked back and smiled a bit "ok lets get out of the car and check this out, and remember to bring ur weapons!" we walked torwards the fire and suddenly my rifle was slapped out of my hands, lucky for me I have a sword on me "whos there!?" Ari screamed something moved in the dark, some weird monsters jumped out of the threes and something or someone walked out of the darkness between the threes, she held up her hand to stop the monster from attacking "who are you!" Hunter asked with a steirn voice if hes scared he was good at hideing it "im kaliko, now who are you?" the woman asked

"we, we are just some mere travelers who wanted to help with the fire" Cal said, lying that's what we are doing now smart.

"no need" Kaliko said "what do you mean!? No need! There is A WHOLE FIRE GOING ON! No need my ass" leo said and screamed a bit, kaliko turned to Leo and with a swift move of her hand she turned leo into a fox "there you go now you have a mouth that match your useless" she said "what do you mean we are not useless!" Hunter said, then she turned him into a rat I just stood there.

(Aris pov)

While the other boys got turned into animals Rin just stood there, he looked like he wantd to say something but he held it back, this woman seemed to get the worst out of men, then we saw kaliko turn to Rin they just stared at eachother "are you seeing this" Cal asked me "yeah, a fight of wills I think" I answered, a fight of wills she gets the worst out of men but I don't know if there is anything bad about Tayrin, then he started running torwards her she ran at him to, she tried to stab him but he was way to quick for her she could barely keep up with him, she basically was stabbing air, then Rin disepeared she looked aroung confused then he lounged from the threes he had claws and fangs now he looked different a lot like a...Sabalak!? But not quite it was something more human about him then we heard an ear pirceing scream we looked and over and saw the kaliko girl on the ground she was not moveing at all she had gone limp, and Rin was coverd in blood the others suddenly turned back into humans, they looked petrefied and a little like they ware going to throw up, spoiler Leo did "did you guys see that to!? Like I know I was a rat but still!" Hunter screamed, Tayrin just stood there looking at Kaliko "Rin are you ok?" I asked "yeah let's keep going" he said "yeah" Cal said, we walked for a bit.

(quick Rin pov cuz im not a monster =>)

What the actual fuck happened back there? I don't even remember what happened!

You know what I don't want to remember "what the actual fuck is that!?" I heard Leo scream infront of me, I ran forwards and there was a girl there in the middle of the flames "ofcource this is why she didn't want us here" huh "what now?" I said "kaliko didn't want us here because she was sacreficeing that kid to someone" wait what!? Ok so im not a bad person for killing her.... Nope still don't feel better "if she had went throught with the sacrifice earlier we wouldn't be able to kill her- "uhh I think the kid is running low on time Ari" I said Ari turned torwards her, then she looked at Kelly, Kelly just nodded and flew up she flew torwards the kid grabbed her and flew out, and surprise(not really shes not that great of a flyer) she crashed "ow" I looked a the girl she was about 14-15 around Leo's age.

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