Ch 5 I tricked Ari! Oh and we went on a road trip enjoy

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Ari said "what do you mean? He just seems to be washing dishes." I asked " I was washing dishes earlier and then he came into the kitchen and said he could take over we started talking and then the argument about your favoritt came up, he tricked me into wakeing you up" "well smartest way to get you to stop what your doing is an argument so" wait I probably shouldn't have said that, shes probably going to kill me, well atleast I will die a heroic way so that's something "why are you so deep in thought" I heard Kelly say.

"eh no reason- I was cut off by none other then then Rins younger sister Tirik "Rin?" "oh- and Rin your sister is awake now just so you know" Cal said "eh-little late don't you think?" Ari said then rin opend his mouth and just said "thank you Kelly" "no problem" Cal said.

(A little while later now the clock is 13:30)

(Leo's pov)

I woke up and no one was there, ok I get I just joined their little group yesterday because I was ored and Kelly is my best friend, sue me for wanting to heng out with my friend. Oh food.... Pancakes to be specific, what time is it 13:30?.. I cant be seeing that right, I rubbed my eyes and opend again 13:30pm and no one woke me up, then I heard someone talking then Rin practically screamed "lunch! Leo wake up its lunch!" I walked into the kitchen and everyone was there " why didn't anyone wake me up?" I asked "cuz you were sleeping" Rin said "and you looked peaceful" hunter said "aww thank you for being so thought full but I missed breakfast" I said then Rin looked to me and said "nope you didn't we didn't eat breakfast but you are just in time for lunch if that helps" he looked tierd maybe or maybe he was just like that idk? "oh ok then thank you for not wakeing me ig" Kelly walked in from the left door that led to a office "guys look what I found" she threw a few news papers on the table "what about them?" Rin asked "oh nothing much just a few unkown teens running around getting kidnapped, cousing explotions, they keep showing up random places, this one dude got kidnapped with his sister when he was like 10, then he got away, his sister died tho" Kelly said "hmm...ok their problem I guess nothing we can do about it" i said "well we could try to find them and get them to answere some questions" Hunter said "yeah sounds like a good idea" Ari replied "then its decided mission track down missing teens is in operation" Rin said "yeah!" Kelly screamed.

"tho I sould probably get a babysitter for Tirik" Rin said "oh yeah" i said "how about Rose she is nice!" Hunter said "and good with kids" Ari said "yeah hunter could you call and ask?" Rin asked "yeah sure dude" Hunter replied "thank you" Rin said, then Ari seemed to looked at the then she said "guys I need to go do home work, bye" "oh bye" we all said at the same time then she ran out the door.

When I got home later that day I packed for our track down missing teens mission and went to sleep right after.

(Aris pov)

When I got home after the group meeting at Rins place, I did my homework and packed for the trip then I washed some clothing and cleaned my apartment, Kelly came home and went straight to bed (yes we are roommates she moved in two days again) she probably went straight to bed because I already packed for her, after around 10 or so min I went to bed I fell asleep after around half an hour.

(Hunters pov)

When I got home I ate some food, packed and went to bed, I was trying to sleep it didn't really work, I kapt seeing faces in the shadows even tho I knew they werent real, I was still struggling to sleep, maybe reading a book will help. (IT DIDN'T) I couldn't fall asleep and before I knew it it was morning. And I heard a knock on my door, I went to open and it was none other then Leo "sup buddy you look...good?" he said "ok stop lying I know I look like trash" I said "oh ok good so I don't have to lie"

He said "so why are you here?" I asked "oh yeah Rin asked me to tell you we are leaveing in 2 hours"

Wait what two hours I have gotten no sleep and I still need to eat oh and shower! "dude you ok?" Leo asked "yeah fine, I need to go get ready" I said "ok bye see you later" Leo said.

(Leo pov)

Well hunter looked like he hadn't slept in weeks, wonder why? Maybe I can ask him later, oh I have to pick up Tirik and take her to school for Rin while he gets the car ready, and packed.

"Leo!" Tirik screamed "hey there Tirik ready for school?" I asked "yeah and did you know I get to sleep over at my friend Emilys place for a few days!?" she said, she seemed vary happy "yeah Rin told me=)" I answered, she smiled a happy childs smile, Rin sure is doing a good job keeping everything a secret.

(Rins pov)

I said goodbye to Tirik probably the thoughest thing I can do in this situation, but we have to find answeres, I packed up my things and put them into the car I was all ready to go when the other were done packing (btw if your wondering this is how the car looked.)

I went to school the day passed by then we got to second class we loaded up the car and drove off.

(Leo pov)

"This is so boring turn on some music plz" I said with a dramatic tone in my voice.

"fine" Rin said then he turned on brittle bones nicky, yes, I love this song I don't really know why I think its cool, Ari was playing on her switch and Hunter was watching smething, Kelly was playing with some toy "oh mac burgers!" I said "you want to stop there for food Leo?" Rin asked, ofc I want to stop there Rin are you an idiot. I could have said that but instead I said "sure" then I smiled.

When we arrived at the mac burgers we went inside found a Table while Rin ordered.

Then we ate and talked "hey how about we get going soon" Ari said, party pooper...but shes right

"yeah we sould probably get going soon" Rin answered then we went out to the car and left and I went to dream land.

i tricked you with the picture didnt i.

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