Ch 9 we are danceing with zombies

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(Rins pov)

A few days have passed we got to another town, and were getting some food when i heard a lady scream i ran torwards her voice and when i rounded the cornor there was a man trying to rob her, i puched him away while Ari helped the lady "wtf dude" he said "one im not your dude" then he ran off I screamed "Miss are you ok?" I asked "yes thank you sir" she said firmly  He asked Ari was smiling, Hunter had run off after the basterd with Leo and Cal "thank you again" the lady said "oh that was nothing, Hunter and the others are probably sorting him out" i said  "that we did" Kelly said "um guys we have to keep going before the Sheriff gets us" Ari said "yeah we gotta run guys!" We ran to the horses and galloped out of the town, after a few hours we got to a forest and i was starting to get tired, and the others were to but it seemed like no one could fall asleep, suddly i felt someone drag me off my horse and i got spun around, the others were off their horses and looking for me it looked like ut they got dragged away, i looked at who i was danceing with it was a lady but something was wrong she looked wrong, almost like she was dead "UMM GUYS IS IT JUST ME OR ARE THESE PEOPLE DEAD!?" Ari asked "yeah um not just you!" i said back "ok good i was getting a bit scared!" Kelly said with a bit off sarcasm i felt two more hands on me it was a man this time "Rin terror the son of the sabalak" the man said "im Kalindro the lord of the forest" Kalindro said "oh ok" i said "did he just say he was Kalindro!?" Ash asked "yeah!" i answered "guys we gotta get away!" Ash screamed "why?" Ari asked "because or else we are dead meat walking!" Ash screamed, and so we all got our weapons out and started a bit off a deadly dance with the zombies we had to dance to get out off there, i slashed zombies left and right Leo was using torches to hit them over the head and burn them, we all were fighting even Spot was fighting the goddamn zombies and we finally got out off there "dancing zombies" Leo complained "never again" Cal said "Leo you hit them with torches"

 I said "yeah I had to do something!" he said "ok, ok im just gonna sleep for a while the horses know where to go" and so we just let the horses lead the way.

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