Ch 4 I passed out?

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(ari pov)

Then i woke up Rin was right next to me we were still in his apartmenthe wasnt crying now he was helping his sister with something meanwhile Kelly was makeing dinner and Hunter was cleaning. «What happend? » I asked.

«you passed out. » Rin said in a rough voice atleast i knew that the crying part of the nightmare was real but did that mean that the rest was real? «what day is it? » I asked «Monday. » Rin was answereing almost everything. «why do you look so tired and scared its early in the morning no reason to be so scared. » «just a nightmere i'm fine Kel» «oh ok then» then rin turned to me and asked the question i didnt want to answere «what was the nightmere about? » «oh, you know zombies ghost the usal, what did you dream about perasite?» i asked rin.

«oh yk the usual nightmere, but i have to go buy some stuff...» he said «ok see you later perasite» i said, then he went out the door.

(Rin's perspectiv)

Something is wrong they were all acting wierd Ari looked scared... i have been walking for 5 minutes allready where is the goddamn store «eh what was that? » «hello Rinnn ...» «... who the actual fuck was that!?» «oh, hi my-my name is Yui could you help me find 1...5...9 main street? » «em ok» we walked for a few minutes before she started asking questions they got more and more personal for each second that went by. «so whats you family name? » «eh hehehe i dont remamber...» «is that right mr. terror. » how tf did she know my name? «em how-do you...» i questioned «just a guess i didnt mean to scare you i was only joking. » she said «eh ok hehe» «so were do you live? » she asked «em i-33 dentor apartment complex! » i lied «oh ok meybe i will come visit sometime, here is my stop. » she said «ok bye». 

«see you another time Rin Terror of peronir. » «... what? » i turned around and she was gone.

Were did she go? I walked over to cross the road and then i saw a light a truck hit me and everything was black.

(Ari's perspectiv)

I decided to help Hunter out with the dinner and noticed that rin had been gone for quite a while and noone had asked about him i got distracted and suddly i felt a stinging and it all went black then i woke up next to Rin he was asleep and he was snoreing, then he jumped up and started screaming.

(Rin's perspectiv)

When i woke up i started screaming, then two hands grabbed me i turned my head and saw Ari, she seemed worried?

«are You ok dude? » hunter asked i turned to him and nodded my head.

«what happend? » i asked «you two passed out on us» he said

I turned to look at Ari who looked confused.

«We didnt pass out Rin went out to get food and then i helped you make dinner and then it went black...» ari said.
«what are you guys talking about? you guys didnt even leave the aparment. » he said.

«huh? » i turned to Ari who looked back at me, she had a look of realisison.

«what? What is it Ari?!» i asked «Rin your face ...» she said «whats wrong with my face? » i asked «you have a bloody wound over your eyebrow. » she said i jumped up, and ran to the bathroom. what happend while i was asleep how tf did i get this wound if I didn't leave the apartment.

Ch 5 my blood is looking weird.

"what the actual fuck happend!?" i started touching the wound but I stopped.

The blood from the scar was black ish, why was it black? "Rin why is the blood black" they asked "idk" "ummm how about we do some research" Ari said "ok" I answered.

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